Ordinary Life Turn Super

978 17 16

What is an ordinary life?

Living life to the fullest as ordinarily as possible.


Well for, Maxwell Mcgrath, an ordinary high school teenager his life was about to change for the better.

At home Max and his mother, Molly Mcgrath, had just moved into their new house. As Max carried a box over across the living room he sat it down near the kitchen as he took a breath after carrying it.

Max: Mom, how many more boxes do we got to unpack?

He asked his mom looking over his shoulder to see she was unpacking a box as she was placing the items that were inside down on the countertop of the kitchen.

Molly: Just a few more boxes in the truck and then after that I can drop you off at school since today will be your first day back. The summer break is over right?

Max: Yeah, mom. And we've been doing nothing but moving since it first started.

He said exaggeratedly as he opened the box he had brought in to see it contained picture frames. Looking at one of the pictures he pulled it out of the box to see that it was a picture of him, his mother, and his late father. In this photo Max was just a little baby as his father was holding him as their family was strolling through the park.

Molly saw him staring at the photo as she sighed, she to missed his father as she stopped what she was doing and walked over towards him.

Molly: I miss him to.

She said standing beside him as she placed her hand down on his shoulder to look at the picture.

Molly: Hehe, your father wanted us to go to the park that day because he said the sun was beautiful outside and that it would be a nice day to take a nice stroll. He said spending time with you was the most important thing to do in his life, and so was mine.

She said looking at him as she held the side of his face with a soft hand.

Molly: If your dad was here he would be so proud to see how far you grown. I just hate he isn't here to see so himself.

She said sadly with a hint of remorse in her eyes as Max sighed not wanting his mother to be sad at the thought of remembering his dad.

Max: It's okay Mom. I miss dad to but I'm sure he wouldn't want me to continue mopping around when we got stuff to do, right?

He joked trying to lighten the mood as his mother looked at him as a small smile graced her face.

Molly: I'm sure he wouldn't. Oh, look at me going on you got to get ready for school.

She said as she stepped back into the kitchen and started putting the stuff where it needed to be as Max watched his mom work with a concern look on his face. After leaving out of the house he brought all of the boxes inside of the house as he went to go and grab his bookbag and things for school as he waited on his mom.

Max: Hey mom you sure you want to drop me off? I can just skate there with no problem.

Molly: Max I can't let you do that you barely know this part of town like that.

Max: Mom, I have a cellphone. I can just pull up the location of the school and go from there its not that hard. Besides we're in the city the school shouldn't be that hard to find.

He says suggesting to go by himself as he looked at his mom for her answer as she sighs.

Molly: Fine, but if you get lost call me and I'll come pick you up and take you there myself.

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