Go Turbo!

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Inside of a facility Max laid down on a bed in an infirmary. In the room with him were two soldiers and a scientist who were monitoring over him. An hour had passed from what had happened in the building as Max was starting to remember it as well as that 'Strange' energy that emitted from his body. Like a spark of life. Or a surge of newfound power that was new to his entire being. The thought of this power was too much and new to his mind as he was starting to wake up.

Max: Nngh..

He groaned getting the others attention as Agent Ryan looked over towards him.

Agent Ryan: He's waking up. Someone call Forge.

Forge: No need.

He said walking into the room as the group turned around to see him as Max was starting to focus on his surroundings. Seeing who stepped into the room he saw that it was none other than his dear uncle Ferris as he saw him in this comfortable light.

Max: Nngh, Uncle Ferris? What are you doing here?

He asked sitting up only to feel a sharp pain through his body as he stopped moving to ease the pain for it to calm down.

Max: Nngh, ouch. Wait. Where am I?

He asked as he looked around to see he was in an infirmary as he then looked over to his uncle to see he was wearing a suit that he wasn't used to seeing his uncle wearing.

Max: And what the heck are you wearing. It isn't Halloween is it?

Forge: Haha, very funny Max.

He said as he looked at his nephew and held out his arms.

Forge: Welcome to N-Tech.

He said greeting him to the place they were in. As Max was confused by this, he suddenly remembered what happened to him when he was in the building. How that 'Strange' power suddenly manifested. It was still confusing and lingered in the back of his mind as he looked down. His uncle saw this as he knew he could possibly be thinking about what had happened.

Max: Uncle Ferris, what's happening to me?

He asked him.

Forge: You want answers. Come with me, I'll explain everything.

He told him as Max sighed and stood up from the bed as he followed his uncle out of the infirmary.

Meanwhile, back in Zed Industries. The man from before was standing in his office as he was on call with his master.

???: *Please tell me you have found an Ultralink?*

He asked his wearing a mask over his mouth that filtrated his voice mechanically over the call as he looked towards the man.

???: Sir, I have found something even better than those machines. We've detected a massive surge of Turbo energy right here in the city. Point of Origin, Chicago City.

He told his master as he was surprised by this as a sense of urgency was saw in his eyes as he looked at the man with importance.

???: *Mr. Naught, suspend all ultralink capture immediately. We are going to hunt down this new turbo source and I know just the hunter for the call.*

He said ending the call with the now named, Naught, as he smiled at his accomplishment.

Inside the room, his master walked over towards a device that was used for long range communication. As he pressed down on the device a bright orange Hud manifested as he moved a few icons around as he pressed an icon allowing him to contact one of his associates. From the device the image of what appeared to be a humanoid monster made out of flames and magma appeared on the screen as he looked at the master.

I Am The Turbo (Max Steel x Invincible crossover)Where stories live. Discover now