3. So Much For The Buddy System

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3. So Much For The Buddy System.

Capulus coffée house smelt surprisingly enough like coffée. Not just any coffée though the best coffée in the hole of New England. It was truly amazing. I was the first one out of Me, Callie and Sophie to arrive at Capulus, which was expected. 

I was still freaking out about the hole- you know -having sex with the school's infamous bad boy and man whore but I'd calm down a little. At least I wasn't pulling weird, disgusted faces as I thought of it now. I got some strange looks as I reached the coffée house because of the faces I was pulling. And probably because I looked like I'd just rolled out of a trash can too. 

My chocolate brown hair was in bunches at the top of my head, I must have been deathly pale because of how sick I was feeling, and I seriously needed a shower, I felt so dirty. Do people usually feel like this after one nightstands? Or is it just because my one nightstand was with Daniel. Freaking. Ryder?

I still couldn't believe I'd done that. Out of all the possible boys in that party and I had to go and sleep with the most sexually active guy out all of them put together. What did I do to deserve this? I mean seriously, I thought being dragged to a party was enough torture for one night. 

I sat at our usual table by the window, I though I'd wait for Callie and Sophie to arrive before I got anything after all they'd shit a brick if they got here and saw I ordered before them. Slyly, I scanned the coffée house for Noah, my eyes landing on him as he served an elderly couple. Sighing, I took in his appearance. 

His messy brown hair falling in his brown eyes, his dimples when he smiled, his glasses fitting perfectly with his appearance. Noah was perfect in every way. He wasn't a overly-muscular soccer player. He wasn't a guitar-playing, tree-hugging hippie. He didn't wear eyeliner and write poetry about depressing things. So he probably wasn't classified as a 'hottie' in most girls eyes but he worked for me.

I just wish he saw me as more than a friend. 

"Drooling over the eye-candy are we?" Callie and Sophie giggled as they neared the table. The both looked stunning considering I'd only given them about half an hour to get ready. Then again, they were the better looking of us 3.

Callie wore her white, blonde hair down today, her blue eyes were outlined, thickly, with liquid eyeliner and her lashes were coated with freshly applied mascara. She was wearing a thin black top and jeans that showed all her gorgeous curves.

Sophie had her red hair up in a ponytail, her hazel eyes were free of eyeliner but her lashes were also coated in mascara, she wore lip gloss making her full lips sparkle in the light. Her hot pink was tight around her chest area, revealing a little too much cleavage but I stayed quite about that.

"Yeah, well, who can blame me?" I replied sending a grin their way. They knew all about my crush on Noah, of course they did, they were my best friends I told them everything and that's why I was dreading when they asked why I was still in yesterdays clothes.

"I admit" Sophie started, "if he lost the glasses and fixed his hair a little, he'd be cute" 

"No, his glasses and hair is what makes him so cute" I objected, it truly was, without them he wouldn't be so significant. 

"Oh, we all know you have a thing for nerds, T, no need to remind us" Callie laughed. 

"Noah's not a nerd, he's just insanely smart" 

"Yeah, yeah. Why'd you call us here at this ungodly hour? And where did you go last night? We looked for you but Sophie was so drunk that we had to leave" Callie asked, taking in my hideous appearance. Ungodly hour? It was 11 O'clock.

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