6. Oh, The Joys Of Life

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6. Oh, The Joys Of Life.

Mrs. Perkins' classroom was set out so that the door was behind the class instead of in front. I like to think this is because she doesn't want anyone to disturb her lesson but I have a feeling it's really because it causes all thirty-five students in the class to dramatically turn their heads to the back and make you even more embarrassed than you already were when your late to class. Luckily, I wasn't put through this kind of torture when I entered the room, I was through the door with one more lucky minute to spear. 

I slipped into the seat just under the window while Sophie took the seat in front of mine. I hadn't said anything to either Callie or Sophie about lunch yet, not that there was much to say. I didn't know why I'd reacted that way, just the mention of Max had sent waves of anger rippling through my body. And then when she threw his problems out there, I couldn't help but feel the need to dive across the table and claw her pretty blue eyes out. 

Sure, everyone knew Max was stoner, he hung out in the stoner pit every day for god sakes, but they didn't know he went of the rails, that he was into something a little more than pot. 

Blowing out a breath of air, I rested my forehead in my hands. I felt like shit, I couldn't believe I got so wound up about that. It's been a year. One whole, freaking year. This shouldn't bother me. It shouldn't make me angry and it most definitely shouldn't make me feel hurt. 

Wait, I didn't mean that. I'm not hurt. I'm just- I'm angry. Yeah, that's it, I'm angry and it's making my thoughts get all confusing. There's no way I am hurt, I don't get hurt.

"Settle down class!" Mrs. Perkins' voice rang through my thoughts, silencing the voice inside my head trying to give good and realistic answers for why I wasn't hurt by the sudden reappearance of junkie ex-boyfriend. Mrs. Perkins was a small lady, with brown hair streaked with bits of grey and eyes that spelled out 'old and tiered' in huge, black letters. She was the strickist teacher in Dalton High and that made her scary as hell to all us innocent, young high schoolers. 

"Welcome to English Literature. I am Mrs. Perkins, though most of you already know me so I wont go into full detail of who I am..." she trailed off for a moment and looked over the class with thick eyebrows raised. And then, as if on cue, everyone, including myself, turned to see who the late commer was. There was always one. 

"Mr. Ryder" Mrs. Perkins mused, a faint hint of an evil smile visible on her face like she took pleasure in knowing that she could now punish him. 

Huh, apparently I was wrong, Ryder would dare being late to one Mrs. Perkins lessons, the voice in my head mumbled thoughtfully. 

"How lucky am I that you finally decided to show up" 

"I know right," he smirked, "aren't I just the best?"

A few snickers formed amongst the people sitting down but stopped almost immediately when they saw Mrs. Perkins expression. To say the least, she wasn't very amused. The evil smile had turned into a full on scowl and her lips were formed into a thin line. She didn't look much like a happy bunny. 

"Yes. Maybe I'll enjoy more of your company after school in detention. Now sit down, Daniel, and allow me to continue teaching my class" she snapped. 

Lazily, Ryder weaved through the rows of desks, looking for a free seat. I watched every step he took closer to me through the strands of my hair, silently praying I wouldn't be the unfortunate student that had to sit next to him. Just as I thought he was going to pass straight by me, the sound of a bag hitting the floor startled me and I looked up into the evil eyes of Daniel Ryder. Oh, the joys of life.  

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