2. Are We There Yet?

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A few soft salty tears ran down your face mixing with the rain that was pouring down from the sad inky sky above you. Like an imperfect metaphor. This was it.

The edge of the roof calling out to you, beckoning, daring you to jump. You slowly approached the ledge, a strike of fear shooting through your chest as you looked down. Your heart was hammering against your ribcage, you had been waiting to do this for so long, so why were you so hesitant now? Clearly no-one here wanted you, just another wasted life that whatever cruel god was out there decided to toy with and create for their own entertainment. And by the time anyone would even notice your disappearance it would be too late.

You had no place in this vile world, why else would you be so cast out? No-one would mourn your loss anyways, if anything they would be celebrating that they finally got rid of you. There was nothing waiting for you in your future and once you jumped you would finally be free. Like a bird. By jumping you could welcome a new life or you could sit here and rot with the burden that is called 'life'. So this was it, now was the time to make the decision to end your measly depressing little life. So why was there a voice calling out to you, begging you to not do it, to step away from the ledge and try to carry on? Stop. stop...thinking. It's time to go.

You had stalled for long enough. It was time. You backed up, preparing to run to your leap of faith, tears blurring your vision as you dashed back up towards the ledge...


You were startled awake by the steady hum of a scratchy female voice, coming from the small screen telling you that you were two stops away. You try to calm your breathing after your nightmare as you made sure none of your belongings had been stolen while you were asleep, luckily you still had all of your belongings.

As the train slowly came to a stop at the station you were getting off at, you began to have second thoughts and debated getting a train back home instead. Or, well, whatever home was now. After all you didn't know anyone here and socialising wasn't exactly something you loved to do.

All you had for now was google maps on your phone to hopefully lead you to your flat's address. Looking at the time, you realised just how long you had travelled and how tired you really were as you left the station, stopping to breathe in the fresh Brighton air. It was a very nice place, bustling with life. Pastel buildings tangled together, and beautiful rocky streets everywhere you looked.

'Are we there yet?' you thought, examining your surroundings. 'a new life, a place to feel wanted?. A place to get better.'

481 words

Bitter Tongues and Inferno Hearts CONTINUED (James Marriott x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now