Natsu and the 7 fairies

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"Natsu! Are you even listening to me!?" the teacher yapped on. Seriously, this was his second lecture today, and that didn't even count on the janitor screaming at him for walking in the hall passed the bell. Well, it was actually for stepping on his already moped floor with 'dirty' shoes, but still, like Natsu said, it didn't count. Wait? What was going on again? Oh right, teacher. "Why can't you be more like Lucy? She's an honor roll student! Excellent grades! The perfect model student! And what do you do? You waste away your time in fights, come to school late, and fall asleep in the middle of a lesson!"


Oh thank f***! The sweet sound of liberty at last. Natsu stood up and walked off. The annoying plump of a teacher was still screaming at him. Man, can the dude be any more annoying? He exited with the other students, into the hallway. Most kids stood out of his way, afraid to get pummeled.

"Did you hear? Natsu was late to class again."

"Was it because of a fight?"

"Who knows what goes through the nut sized brain of his."

Natsu gave the kids a death silencing glare. They shut up immediately. He tsked. Everyone was on his nerves. Couldn't they all just shut up and leave him alone?

Tip tap tip tap.

Natsu glances towards a bush of blond hair. A tuff of it was tied back with a blue ribbon. She was facing away from him, but he knew whom she was. Lucy Heartphilia. The perfect A. Through pride and prejudice, the toned up teen marched passed the pipsqueak and blocked her way. He smirked over his shoulder, making sure to show off his canines. She glared at him, making her angry expression cuter than it should be.


Oh mother fu----

He didn't watch were he was walking. He somehow tripped going up the stairs! How the **** did he manage that?!





Natsu laid on his back. Tired. Achy. Dull. What happened? Where was he? "How did I get here?" He asked himself. He managed make his way through the blackness by opening his eyes. "Waa? Did I die?" He reached his hand out to touch the light, finally ready to go to heaven. "No, I can't be dead.."


Why was his hand so freakishly small and pale?!?!

Natsu bolted up. "Is this a dream?! Oh h*** no! I'm- I'm- I'm-"


Lucy looked up from her worksheet. She swore she heard her own voice screaming on the other side of the school. Uh oh. The loser Natsu must have finally arose to find himself in her body. Ah well. Sucks for him.

Oh! And he better not make her grades drop! She'll kill him for that!


Natsu raced through the school. Why was the female infirmary on the opposite side of the building from his classroom?! He was gonna kill the constructor of the place once he was done with the pipsqueak!

The pink -f*** d****t!- blond haired chick slammed the door open. Oh my balls!! His body was sitting at a desk! Not drooling! A book in hand! Taking notes! Paying attention! AND CRUSHING HIS TEST****!

Worse had then came. His body raised his hand and corrected a teacher!

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhbhhahahahahahahhhhfhduebxkirbdixlleishzbxishfhcjdjsisnx!!!!!!!!!!?!?! Bvjgueh!

"Come here, you little imposter!" Natsu growled. With everyone staring, wondering what the actual h*** was wrong with those two, the tone man and school girl left the class.


"Okay!" Natsu yelled at the top of his lady lungs. "Start talking or I'll cut you!"

"Don't make promises you can't keep," the girl in his body mumbled.

With tick marks on his.. uh... her head, the boy, well girl, continued. "Well, it's your fault, so fix it!"

"If I may speak," Lucy interjected. "You were the one who caused us to be in this conundrum. If you hadn't been a prick and tried to walk in front of me, being as smug as you were, we would be completely fine."

"Still! You can fix it, right?!"



"I haven't the slightest clue as to how we managed to get into the predicament, henceforth I've no hypothesis to create a valid solution to cure us."

"I totally hydrophobi-size with you." Natsu muttered.

"Imbecile," the girl in man's boy muttered back.

"Well, don't use big words I don't understand! It doesn't fit with my character!"

"Maybe you should just read more... if you can at all."

"Ugh! Switch us back!"

"As I aforementioned-"

"Stop!" Cried Natsu. "You're hurting my brain!!!"

"I don't know how!!" Lucy tried.

"Ugh!" He groaned again. This is torture.


Sorry for so many swears. I don't normally write like think, but it fits, yah know. I promise to tone it down next time.

I'd appreciate it is you would leave some comments to help me out. 'Cause until I get some, I'm on strike for all things involving OneShots. Oh, and this I guess since it is rather short.

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