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Description: Taylor is your crush and you call her to pick you up from a party because you need help. You are 23 F.


Y/N pulls away from her cousins best friend, Jamie. His grip loosened on her arm and he gave up trying to drag her into the bathroom. She pulls out her phone and dials the first number she can find through her hazy vision. The music is loud and she can barely hear the other end of the call. "Y/N?" She finally hears when its yelled through the phone. She immediately recognises the sweet voice. "Mm help, please." She mumbled, her eyes pricking with hot tears. The phone line went dead so Y/N shoved her phone back into her pant pocket and started to weave her disorientated body through the plethora of sweaty, intoxicated people. 

Jamie follows Y/N, hot on her tail. She has never wished for a ride to arrive sooner. "C'mere baby," Jamie slurs, wrapping his dirty hands around her waist. "Fuck off, J." Y/N spits, pushing his chest, but he comes back again. "Stop being such a prude. I just wanna hit it once," He smirked, smacking her ass. 

Y/N falls out of the front door and onto the grassy nature strip. Jamie rushes over and takes advantage of her vulnerable state. He kneels down, a leg either side of her waist. He leans down and kisses her neck. "You like this huh pretty mama?" Jamie purrs. 

"Get the fuck off her!"

Jamie falls off of Y/N with the shove and she gets picked up from behind. "Oh Y/N, let's go." Taylors soft voice whispers in her ear. Y/N nearly starts crying. She's so relived and feeling taken advantage of that her only reaction is to fall apart in Taylors arms. She's overwhelmed.

Taylor walks her over to the car and sits her down in the passenger seat and buckles her in. Taylor gets in the drivers seat and drives only a few streets before stopping again. "Are you OK? How many drinks have you had?" Taylor asked her. "Only two, but- but I think Jamie gave me something, I can't see straight and I'm dizzy," Y/N murmured, holding her head. 

Taylor already knew it was the date-rape drug by her symptoms. "Did Jamie touch you?" She asked, feeling her blood boil. "N-not like that- only my ass," Y/N stammered. "That motherfucker." Taylor seethed. She put her hand on the gear stick to reverse, but Y/N stopped her. "Don't Tay. You'll only make it worse. Stay here with me." 

"Okay. I'll take you back to my place. I don't want you alone tonight." Taylor said, running a shaky hand through her hair. I nodded, agreeing. 

Taylor couldn't help but obey the girls wishes. She'd do anything for her.

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