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Description: You are 14 F. Taylor confronts you about her suspicions of an ED. 
(Requested by Juliaswift198913)


"How was your day, my love?" Taylor asked as you walked in the door. "It was good." You lied, walking past her to the staircase. "Hey. Y/N. Not so fast, kiddo." Taylor stopped you, grabbing onto the strap of your bag. "Woah!" You yelled as you stumbled backwards. "Mom? What was that for?" You asked rudely. 

"Let me see your bag." Taylor asked, holding her hand out. "Why?" you asked, giving it over. She dug through it, finding your lunch box. "Did you like the turkey I put in your sandwich?" She asked you putting the suspiciously empty lunchbox on the counter. You nodded, "Yeah it was good?" You nodded questioningly, continuing up a few steps. 

"I didn't pack turkey, Y/N. It was peanut butter and honey."

You froze mid step. 

 "Oh...Yeah... Forgot," You chuckled nervously. There was an uncomfortable silence before Taylor exclaimed suddenly, "Y/N. You're throwing your food out aren't you. I haven't seen you eat a full meal in almost a week! I'm so worried about you!" 

You fell down onto the wood step with a thump, your head going into your hands. "I'm sorry!" You cried out, tears welling up in your eyes; your emotions like a roller coaster. Taylor put your bag down and came and sat beside you. 

"Talk to me baby... like you used to. Please don't suffer in silence." Taylor pleaded, grabbing your hands and trying to catch your teary gaze. 

"I was a teenage girl too, and I thought being scarily thin would solve all of my problems but it didn't, OK? Who in their right mind pushed you to feel this way about yourself?" Taylor asked, rubbing my back with her palm. 

"There's this girl... Isabella... She just makes me feel like shit. Always got something to say about the way I dress, the way I look, the way I act, it's never ending. I've told the school stuff about her before and nothing happened, so I can't get ask for help. And I just think that if I can't control what she says about me to everyone, I need to be able to control something." You finally spilled everything that had been bottled up inside you for the last couple months. 

Taylor nodded empathetically. "High school girls can suck pretty hard sometimes, hey? She has no right pushing you around like that. I'm so sorry this is happening to you."

"But I'm not going to let you starve yourself sick like this. It's so much more dangerous than you think, especially when it's so gradual at first." Taylor added. You began to cry, feeling like your mom is taking away the one thing that's keeping you in control of your life. Taylor embraced your trembling body with her warmth. 

"Thank you for letting me in. It's going to be really hard, I'm not going to sugar coat discorded eating because I wish someone was just honest with me when I was recovering. I think it would of prevented some of the many inevitable relapses along the way." She spoke calmy into your hair to try not to overwhelm you as it felt like she was pulling the rug out from underneath you. 

She squeezed gently around your weak body. "But however long and no matter what it takes, I'm going to be there, always. Cheering you on. I'm so proud of you Y/N."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2023 ⏰

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