7 ♡ ✰

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Description: Your GF Taylor is home sick today with laryngitis while you've been at work. You are 28 F


     Taylor ❤️

how are you feeling ml?

worse :(

im so sorry youre feeling sick baby

i want you to come home 

i wish i could be there with you, i really do.
soon. hang on for me. 

read 12:34pm

I read over our messages before sending another.

leaving now <3

I put down my phone and started the 20 minute drive back to Taylors house. The whole car ride I'm thinking about my girlfriend, and if she's OK. I started to second guess myself if going to work today was a good idea. 

I bit on my nails anxiously.

Seeing Taylors house in the distance was a huge relief. Getting up those steps and to the front door couldn't have come sooner. I didn't bother knocking, I didn't want to wake or make her get up. I unlocked the door and walked in quietly. 

I could hear her breathing from the doorway. It was loud and hoarse, it sounded so, so painful. I felt my heart sink. I am definitely not going to work tomorrow.

"Babe? Are you awake?" I called out quietly, walking over to the couch. Taylor was curled up with Olivia, her eyes shut. I went to grab a blanket to lay over her but she woke up. "Y/-N?" She rasped, looking around blearily like a lost puppy. "I'm here. I'm right here. Sorry, love. I didn't mean to wake you up." I apologized, rushing to her side. 

She didn't respond, just crawled onto me and rested her head on my shoulder. I wrapped my arms tightly around Taylor, squeezing her gently. "I missed you." I mumbled. "I don't want to get you sick," she said suddenly realising, pushing away from me. "I do not have a single care in the world about that, let me comfort you." I urged. 

With that, her pushes stopped and her hands dropped from my chest and wrapped around my waist instead. "Sorry..." Taylor whispered into my neck. "Shh. Don't. You're good." I assured. 



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