Comments part-I

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It's a very unique story. Little unusual.

(The show makes the people hopeless and make them feel demotivated who have real struggles in life.

Seeing the show, feels like it's just made to show antagonists great and protagonists wrong.
It's made to promote and justify evil indirectly.

Now has become emotionless, heartless, ruthless, moral-less, ethics-less show. Very bad but hopeful show (Note:- hopeful that it might make little changes in story tracks later, not just show antagonist winning due to beautiful or handsome looks, but show protagonist also winning not just struggling all the time) in sabtv history. )

(It has now become too predictable:
More struggles for protagonist, more wins of antagonist, more schemes and murders,etc., when exhausted with ideas will show only one or two characters alive in the end!!! Waste of time, because only antagonist is shown winning in half the show, will show endless struggles and fight, injustices, just that ).

(The stories related to just violence, women harassment, fighting, romance, cheating, frauds, family disputes are the easiest for writers to make and create, that's why only these story tracks are shown; but family resolve, business empire mysteries, hi-tech, philosophical and mystical,etc. are toughest for writers to create and make that's why they are not shown.

Because if violent, romantic, family dispute story tracks are shown, no one will ask logic or question about rational thinking and logic; but if hi-tech, philosophical and mystical story tracks are shown everyone's logical reasoning capacity will suddenly switch on and question its logic
(public reaction and questions:-
i) why women are shown strong and not being harassed and tortured;
ii) why are everybody shown so smart, show them dumb and fighting literally on anything;
iii) why it's so philosophy, etc.)

Because violence, romance are easy to understand and philosophical, mystical, technological story tracks are difficult to understand.

That's people appreciate romantic and violent movies because it's easy to understand and philosophical, mystical and technological movies are less appreciated because it's difficult to understand. )

1. Why Premraj Mahajan left his family and company?

1) wrongly accused in the scandal ?
2) insecurities of Dhanraj and Gargi Mahajan.
3) the one who traped him in the scandal threatened him.
4) family pressure and company pressure.
5) family being over-political and too narrow minded.
6) for wife and children's safety.
7) Mahajans are very competitive, over-political, orthodox, cut-throat type competition, immoral, 'crossing the personal boundaries' type people, emotionless, mean, ruthless, awful,etc. due to which Premraj left; so, his children don't become the same.
8) Others.

2. Who is this Pooja Sabarwal or Pooja D'Souza, what is the story of her and Mahajan Empire?

1) May have been bribed by Dhanraj and Gargi to take down Premraj.
2) May been bribed by Gargi to take down Premraj for not letting her (Gargi) to join business.
3) May have been bribed by Dhanraj to take down Premraj for not letting him (Dhanraj) to lead the company.
4) May have been bribed by Bhanu Pratap to avenge Shobhna from taking a vow from his father.
5) Might the whole story misunderstood by everyone
(and later a totally unexpected and hilarious story track might be shown
i.e. a totally interesting reason might be shown)
6) May have been bribed by Premraj (himself) to show that he disappeared to cover up his past sin i.e. he wanted to misled someone into believing the scandal and leave him alone in peace with his (Premraj) wife and children.
7) Others.

3. The flashback scene of Neil's past when Yuvika asked the reason behind his (Neil's) hate for Mahajans.

1) His father whom police arrested might be his wrongly accused for something related to Mahajan's.

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