Tag Fest

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Our first challenge is just around the corner, so gather your allies for some spine-tingling fun activities

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Our first challenge is just around the corner, so gather your allies for some spine-tingling fun activities.
Let's prove to the world that when it comes to zombies, we're the ones who stand strong and united against the looming apocalypse.
With our camaraderie and skills, we're more than equipped to tackle whatever challenges come our way.
So, the big question is: Are you ready to join us?


Yes? Then hurry up and gather your companions.Tag someone who...

📍... is the biggest Zombie enthusiasts! Who's the first person that comes to your mind?

📍... whose idea of a perfect day involves watching Zombie movies.

📍... needs some undead recommendations or the person who's a walking encyclopedia of Zombie lore!

📍... who is also looking for a Zombie apocalypse buddy. Don't hesitate and tag the friend who's already planned their survival strategy.

📍Got a pal with a Zombie-themed board game collection? Make their day by tagging them here!

📍Seeking the ultimate Zombie fan - who do you know that can recite every classic Zombie movie line?

📍Zombies + [Friend's Name] = Match made in horror heaven! Tag them and let them know.

📍If there's someone who can turn any conversation into a Zombie discussion, tag them now!

📍Do you have a friend who's the undisputed Zombie trivia champion? Tag and challenge them!

📍Tag someone who'd be the last one standing in a real Zombie apocalypse - they've got the skills!

📍Tag someone who is the world's biggest zombie-phobe.

See you soon! In unity, we're unstoppable!

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