Sun in Leo / 5th House

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Leo is known for their large and dramatic personalities. They love being in the spotlight and shine as bright as their ruling planet, the Sun. Leo is symbolized by the Lion. They are known to be leaders in the political arena, as well as famous personalities.

Leo is independent by nature but they need someone to admire them. All the time. Period.

When they don't get the attention that they crave, they will retreat into themselves and act like a petulant child. Or throw the remote. Somewhere near the dog, but not at the dog.

Some of them can be prone to jealousy too and must be scolded when this happens so that they don't think it is okay to repeat their behavior. Or they'll hid in the bushes, by your house. Or take the baby.

When they do get the attention they crave, they will lavish you with enough attention and/or passion that you will be breathless at the sight of their positive, glowing energy. They'll make you feel like a sex goddess in their presence. They are good at that - they've had a lot of practice.

They can be obsessed with their appearance, for a Leo knows that a first impression can make or break a business deal. You can find them spending hours in front of the mirror fixing their makeup, or working tirelessly at the gym to make themselves more muscular. Leo men can act especially haughty and full of themselves, puffing out their chests to attract a potential mate. This was my literal dad in Miami.

The best potential avenues for a Leo are places where they can feel physically active and can experience enough social interaction. They should be encouraged growing up to take on leadership roles. It is in their nature to lead, delegate and command. Sports would be good for them because they can learn about teamwork. Or the military branches. Their fantasy is similar to that of Star Trek, with them being James T. Kirk.

They also like a lot of masculine movies like Stephen King and Mel Gibson. Lots of Mel. Aliens thrown in somewhere.

When they get older, they may go where the fun goes. FL, CA, Rio de Janiero; any place where they can experience enough physical exercise as well as meet different types of interesting people will bring them much pleasure. However, a Leo needs to find those who care about them. Close friends, a partner, family... these are the units of personal socialization that a Leo needs in order to be able to grow through life. Without an adequate amount of support, the Lion can develop certain addictions that may make them prone to a burnout.

Virgo. You are literally the only one that can handle a Leo for long periods of time. If you want one partner to take care of forever and ever - it's Leo. The best, most long lasting partnerships I've ever known, are between Leo men and Virgo women. Hands down. As long as either maiden doesn't feel so overwhelmed by the Lion and the Lion, in turn, doesn't try to overly dominate his partner, the pairing could be heavenly. Though he will get bored. Very bored.

Perhaps put it off til he's 40? Once he starts losing his looks.

Any Leo reading this then should know that they need relationships to be fulfilled but they must also work on their own self-care. You should not let a relationship should bring you down because you are so needed and essential to the world. Many people look up to you and admire you. It is because of this that you should put yourself first in many situations, but also know when you need to step down and let others take charge. The key word for a Leo is BALANCE.

The best matches for a Leo are the Air Signs, Aries and Sagittarius.

Cancer is also an okay pairing for Leo since she is ruled by the moon, but you'll probably get sick of me. Let's be honest.

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