Sun in Pisces / 12th House

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Pisces is symbolized by the Fish.

Their motto is: "I believe, therefore I am."

They are the Mystics of the Zodiac and are the final incarnation before the soul crosses over into the Spirit World. They are highly attuned to the spiritual world and have enjoyed the view. Sometimes they are scolded as kids for finding fantasy to be more enjoyable than reality. This might cause them to be secretive and to stop letting others (especially parents) know about the secret workings and realities that go on in their inner world. Or slam the door when they are cutting themselves. Stupid posers, I'll show this to my boyfriend, and he'll love me like you don't.

Pisces is symbolized by two fish: one going up towards the surface and one going down into the dark depths of the ocean. This is significant in their lives when they become artists. At some point, the Pisces will be directed into two forms of art or will follow both paths simultaneously: Aristocrat and/or Bohemian.

An Aristocrat Pisces is soft and the more gentle of the fish. They like to wear long dresses and they read their Bible more regularly than you (their more conservative, upward moving aspect.)!They also suck. *huffs*

They stay on the brighter side of life, finding things to stay optimistic about even in times of crisis. Perhaps they are artists or they sing in Choir. Which pisses you off because their voice is so good damn it.

The Bohemian Pisces likes to draw pictures on DeviantArt, smoke or drink high levels of caffeine, listen to alternative music, write poetry and wear clothes in hot pink, dark purple and black. They live on the side where the counterculture movement lives, and most of their art will resemble that.

A Pisces can also be drawn into two alternatively moving directions at the same time. They can balance their life between rock shows and their church-going family because at some point: they recognized that they had to be both people at the same time. Florence and the machine is probably the most similar comparison. Or my brother. He's always been well-behaved. Sweet, talented in anything he does, and with his emotions - it's like a pissing contest between me and him if it begins. Then he says "I'm a pisces" and I back away defeated, cause he's right. He's better at emotions than I am. 

Pisces is the most deeply sensitive sign of the zodiac, and they are the kindest of all 3 water signs. They will at first put on an image of competence and strength, acting like they aren't so soft-hearted on the inside. If you think they like you, however, you should continue to pursue them even after they have rejected your influences. Eventually, they will give in if they like you enough.

Once Pisces has decided that you are worthy of their trust, they will be the most delightful partners of the entire Zodiac. They will share with you their Spiritual insight and inspire you to be happy. Their closeness with God will bring you closer to. This is why so many long-lasting partners are Pisces. It is because of their highly-attuned natures. After a while, you might not be able to view your Pisces SO as separate from the path between you and God because of their importance presence. Because they suck, and are better women than you, period.

The best matches for a Pisces are Scorpio, Cancer, Virgo, Pisces, Capricorn and sometimes Aries.

The worst matches for a Pisces are Libra, Gemini, and Sagittarius.

The best careers for Pisces are Spirituality, Writing, Music, Art, Literature, Theater, Religion, Monasteries, and Secret Societies.

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