Part 4

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Clarke watched him as he stepped into his black cargo pants, elated by the intimacy they had shared. She and Bellamy didn't have that chance back on Bardo, not that Clarke needed to be comparing timelines. It could give you a headache if you thought about it long enough. But she couldn't help her own curiosity, letting her mind run wild between the two. Bellamy from her timeline was older, the man had lived through wars and experienced things the man getting dressed before her hadn't. That Bellamy had grown with age, gaining wisdom and resolve this hot headed person didn't quite have yet, but everytime she looked at him, her heart fluttered. It felt right this way, even if things were different. It felt right to have him in any form and how could she pick that apart?

"So, I was a disciple to this Cadogan guy?" Bellamy asked as he flipped his T-shirt right side out.

It had been three days since their moment in the chancellor's office, arguing over him leading teams and being useful. Bellamy was always useful, but it had been three days since she told him some of her stories, the day he died and the pain that followed. Somehow it felt like healing, growing and somehow she knew that Bellamy knew that too. The man was always so good at reading her.

Clarke frowned "Yeah, a lot happened and-"

"You said I wore a white robe?" He cut her off with a raised brow, a grimace of disbelief painted his expression.

That time Clarke did smile. "Yeah, you look awful in white Bellamy."

He laughed and nodded as he slid the shirt over his head. "I bet. You won't catch me dead in white."

Clarke laughed too. "I think that's a good sign."

Bellamy's smile widened and then he stalked towards the bed. He plopped himself down next to her, brushing a lock of wild blonde hair behind her ear.

"Thank you for whatever it is you had to do for me." He paused, looked down at the messy sheets on the mattress. "For them." He cocked his head, edging his words to their people. "My sister."

"Octavia took care of herself." Clarke chuckled but Bellamy didn't.

"Yeah, I don't want to think of O like that." He paused once more. "Hard to believe it.."

Clarke nodded. "She went through a lot Bellamy, we all did. You did things-" she stopped herself knowing that Pike would be brought to Arkadia any day now and they'd have to keep a close eye on him. She'd have to keep a close eye on Bellamy.

"The slaughtering of an army thing right." He wiggled a finger at her. "That sort of sounds like I did that because you abandoned me.." Clarke's brows rose high. The audacity to use an excuse like that but then Bellamy cackled and palmed one of her shoulders. "Clarke, I'm joking."

With relief she sighed. "Good thing you're pretty because you're not funny."

Bellamy scoffed and then climbed to his feet. Grabbing his holster from the metallic dresser and wrapped it around his waist adjusting it. "Please, I'm hilarious and you know it."

"Mhm." Clarke rolled her eyes playfully and then climbed out of the bed.

The blankets fell away. Bare ankles to bare breasts she stood there staring at him. Bellamy gawked, awestruck and his mouth even parted a little bit.

"Fuck, what were we talking about?"

Clarke smiled, climbing into an old pair of jeans. "You're funny, comedic golden boy."

"Yeah.." it was all he said in response as she pulled on a sports bra and then a blue henley.

Clarke fixed her hair, setting herself to rights before she went to find Raven. "Aren't you needed in the garage? Working on the rovers?"

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