Chapter 9

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"So," Normani smirked, picking her stage outfit off the ground and putting it back on the hanger.

"What?" I asked, hanging my outfit up on the rack.

"Where'd you and Mila go last night?"

"We were at Dinah's party, remember? Or were you Dinah too busy with Daddy?" I teased, remembering how Dinah and Normani got drunk enough to think the bar was an elephant named Daddy.

"What are you even talking about?" She asked with confusion in her voice. She walked passed me and placed her outfit back on the rack next to mine before turning back around to look at me.

"For at least twenty minutes, Dinah and you kept yelling, 'Run faster Daddy before the gummy bears get us!" I laughed, recalling what happened last night.

"I did not say anything like that," she protested, crossing her arms. "Who is Daddy anyways?"

"It's what Dinah and you named your name elephant. I never thought you two would have a daddy fetish, but I guess you never really know what types of things people are into these days."

"I do not have a weird daddy fetish," she defended, rolling her eyes. "Now would you answer my original question?"

"Camz and I went on the roof," I shrugged, taking a sip out of my almost empty water bottle.

"That's it? The roof?" She asked, not believing that I was telling the truth.

"Yes, the roof," I nodded before throwing my now empty bottle into recycling.

"You had an entire night to yourself and you spent it on the roof?" She asked shocked.

"What's so bad about the roof?"

"The roof is just so-boring," she stated, rolling up her charger and placing it in her backpack.

"The roof is such a magical place. It's a place where someone can just look out at the city and get away from life for a while," I began, collecting all of Ashtyn and Kayne's toys that they played with during the opening act. "It's also such a romantic place," I added.

"Whatever you say, Lauser."

"Have any of you girls seen Karla?" A voice asked, grabbing both Normani's and I attention.

Sinu was standing in the door way holding my raven haired toddler. The little body was wearing an oversized grey hoodie with the name "Cabello" printed on the back and a pair of light up Nemo sandals a fan bought for the girls.

"Is everything okay?" I asked, scared that something could seriously be wrong with my daughter.

"Just a nightmare," Sinh replied, comforting the upset child in her arms.

"Aww, come here Ash," I said, sticking out my arms to grab her.

"No," she said, shaking her head. "I want mommy."

A piece of my heart shattered when those words came out her mouth. Nothing is worse than being rejected from your own kid.

"Um, I last saw Camila helping Dinah to the bathroom down the hallway," I answered Sinu's question, trying to shake off what just happened.

"Thanks," Sinu replied, walking out of the room and down the hallway with my terrified daughter.

"What's wrong with her?" Normani spoke up.

"Who?" I asked, turning my attention back to Normani.


"She had a nightmare," I answered.

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