Chapter 24

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Camila's POV

"Camz, do you need anything from Walmart?" Lauren asked as she grabbed her keys.

"I need you to take a baby," I pleaded as I tried to sooth two teething babies.

"Camz, I don't think taking a teething baby to the store is a good idea."

"You're sure as hell not leaving me alone with two upset babies," I said sternly.

"I'll be back in twenty minutes tops."

"You have five seconds to choose what baby you want before I just hand one to you," I replied, glaring deep into her ocean eyes.


"One," I started counting.







"I'm taking Ash," she finally decided, taking the chubby cheek baby out of my arms.

"Good choice," I said, rubbing Kayne's back.

"Anything else you need, Queen Camila?" My wife asked as she grabbed the diaper bag off the barstool. 

"A king size kit kat please," I replied, giving her a wide smile.

"Noted," she nodded before grabbing her phone.

"I love you," I said in my baby voice.

"I love you too," she giggled before passing a delicate kiss on my lips.

"Hurry home please."

"I'll try."

"Ash, make sure your mama doesn't fall in love with another girl," I said before kissing her soft chubby cheek.

"Kay, make sure mommy doesn't tip the pizza guy with a kiss," Lauren joked as she caressed the brown-eyed baby's cheek.

"I might have to if you don't leave me any money for pizza," I pointed out.

The older girl stuffed her hand in her denim pocket, looking for the pizza money. A few seconds she pulled out a crumble up twenty dollar bill.

"I'll be home soon," she replied, placing the money on the counter.

"Be safe!" I yelled after her like a worried mother.

"Yes mom," the older Cuban mumbled.

"I didn't know you were the one to have mommy fetish, Jauregui," I smirked as I repositioned Kayne on my hip.

"Only in your dreams, Jauregui," the emerald girl joked before walking out the door.

I crinkled my nose at the name. Lauren and I have been married for a little over two years and I'm still not used to being called Camila Jauregui. Even though my name has been legally changed, I still go by Camila Cabello when we're working

"Kay, get that out of your mouth," I said, pulling the tiny finger out of her mouth.

Only seconds later, the tiny baby threw her head back and erupted in a loud cry. I quickly walked over to the fridge, grabbing her monkey teething ring. I placed the ring into her mouth and the noise instantly stopped.

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