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He felt a headache coming along while he glanced at his watch for the third time in the past forty minutes. Usually, blood work didn't take that long but somehow today, he was kept longer while informed by a Beta nurse that he needed to do two more tests. One was a urine test, and another was a paper formed asking if he was sexually active and if he was mated. Detailed questions on how long and if safe contraceptives were being used.

Nanami lifted a brow in response after skimming the paperwork, which only made the Beta parrot off in response that the doctor asked for these to be filled. Assuring him that it was standard protocol for any male or female Omega that came in for bloodwork. As much as he wanted to press more, he tiredly filled out the paperwork but made a mental note to tell the doctor he already expressed that he was active. As far he knew, this note should have been in his folder along with the mention of taking his prescription Mevora.

Unmated Omegas being sexually active wasn't unheard of, although mixed reactions were held depending on the person. Some people still believe that Omegas should only indulge with their mated partners. Personally, Nanami didn't care about what others did but chose to keep his own business to himself.

Well, his business and Satoru's, of course. There was a perk about Nanami no longer working at Jujutsu Co. He didn't have to worry about Gojo's casual touches in front of others. And having to keep having that conversation with him or the jests from Shoko. Although the alternative as a salaryman wasn't much better, his coworkers were subtly prying at his personal life. Looking for anything to grab onto to gossip about.

With knitted brows, Nanami glanced at his watch again. Making a mental note to check in with the office about these new details in his paperwork. This was his one day off and he did not want to spend half of it at the doctor's office. Besides, he already knew a certain white haired Alpha would come by after his classes. He wanted to at least clean and catch a nap before he did.

Watching the Beta nurse leave with his chart filled with papers, he sighed softly to himself. He assumed he would just be told to take more vitamins and take a vacation at the end of the visit. Considering his increase of being tired and the occasional ache in his back and hips that wasn't from sex. But Nanami would dream about the idea of wanting a vacation only and settle for a weekend off as a compromise to the doctor's order. And possibly browse for a new bed to help with his aches. And of course, kick Gojo out to at least have some peace and quiet for those two days.

He snorted, already he could hear the whining that Gojo would do if he did decide to kick him out.

"But Nanamin! Don't be like that, babe." Gojo would whine while trying to press kisses to his face and neck while pulling him close. The way his soft lips would almost always make Nanami present his neck to him without thought, while he pushed his own face into Gojo's neck. The soft rumble he would feel when Gojo would chuckle and let out a pleased sound that he was getting his way again.

Nanami rolled his eyes at the mental image and just how he always caved into the begging and kisses. The word brat was said quietly underneath his breath even if his lips twitched upward into the faintest smile. If he could get at least an hour of sleep before he came he wouldn't fuss too much if he did stay. Or so Nanami told himself.

A gentle knock on the door before it opened pulled Nanami out of his thoughts fully. The Beta nurse from earlier followed behind another Beta who was his primary doctor. The woman was petite, her lab coat fitting loosely over her black pants suit and yellow blouse. Her face was round with full cheeks, the only thing that gave off her age of being older was the streaks of gray in her jet black hair. She flashed a bright smile at Nanami before giving a slight bow.

" Mr. Nanami, I apologize for the long wait."

Nanami nodded, already collecting his jacket as he stood up to leave.

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