I want more s2 byler in my life(Fluff)

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Made by: chilumislander

Summary:Stranger things s2 halloween scene.

Mike and Will followed after the others; Lucas, Dustin, and the girl named Maxine.

They seriously invited her, when it was meant to be just party, not a random girl out of nowhere. Yes, Mike was angry, but he knew he was acting selfish. He did the same to his friends when Will was gone, and when El was here. Also Lucas seemed to like her, so he tried to not care.

While he was in these deep thoughts, he noticed something was missing. He looked around him and the boy that was supposed to be next to him was gone.

"Shit, shit, Lucas! Dustin!" He shouted and started running to catch up with them.

"Will, he, have you seen Will?" He asked, taking deep breathes as he tried to calm down.

"Oh god." Lucas said and placed his hands behind his head,

"Wasn't he next to you? Oh shit." Dustin followed and they all seperated, looking for Will.

Mike swore he heard someone shouting his name, but he didnt know where the voice was comming from.

He kept on walking until he heard some muffled sobs, and started running when they sounded closer.

He finally saw his bestfriend, not in the best shape. It was a heartbreaking sight even, he looked scared and was crying, mumbling out some "mikemikemike.."

"Hey, Will? Dude, snap out of it, WILL!!" He started to shake his bestfriends shoulders, Will opened his eyes with a gasp,

"Will? Are you okay? Are you hurt? I couldnt find you anywhere."

Will didnt answer, not that Mike was expecting him to.

"Guys they are here!" They heard Dustin's voice, soon footsteps of Max and Lucas's.

"Come on man, hold onto me." Mike whispered and helped Will up, basically carrying him. Dustin rushed to help but Mike just simply pushed him over,

"Its okay, you guys keep trick or treating, i'll take him home. I'm bored anyways." He guided Will to where their bikes were.

"Come, you can sit on the back of my bike."

After all the upside down thing, Joyce never let Will ride a bike. Not that they were able to afford one.

"Just hold onto me, okay?"

They silently got back to Mike's house, Will havent spoken a word since the accident.

"You sit here, i'll go get some blankets."

Will waited for Mike in the basement, slowly recovering from what happened.

Minutes later Mike came back, a blanket over his shoulder and two mugs in his hands.

Hi sat next to Will, and covered both of them with the blanket.

"I made somee... uhh, tea? I guess?"

"You guess?" Will chuckled

"Well Nancy bought these two days ago, i dont know what they are."

They sat in silence, a comfortable one.

"What was all that?" Mike finally broke the silence

Will took a deep breath

"It was like, i was in there, the Upside Down. It felt so real, Mike. So cold, so scary, so lonely." He paused

And continued

"It happened at the arcade too, im sorry, i didnt tell you. I should have i dont know whats wrong with m-"

"Will. Yes. You should have, but you havent. And it doesnt matter, its alright." Mike placed his hands on top of Will's.

"Please dont tell the others, they, they wont understand. They are not like you."

"Okay, i will not."

Silence, again.

And again, it was Mike who broke it.



"Please, if this happens again, please i beg you, talk to me. It doesnt have to be Mind Flayer, it doesnt have to be about Upside Down, just anything. Talk to me, okay? Im your friend, and I wont judge you if you cried, or if you were scared. You, are the bravest and the strongest person I've ever known."

"Me? Brave? Strong? Mike, if i was brave or strong or smart or, anything, I would have been able to, you know... I wouldnt let me father or Troy, or anyone t-"

"Oh my god, Will! I dont care! You spent a week in hell, you survived. Who cares about troy or your dad? They are both assholes." Mike squeezed Will's hands.

"They werent wrong."

"Who wasnt wrong?"

"Troy, my dad, the bullies, they are all right. I am a freak, I shouldve been dead, they wanted me to be."

"First of all, you missed the whole point of my speech. Second of all, your dad is such a drunk asshole that he didnt even know you were ""dead"", Third of all, they are noones, they didnt spend a week in hell, with no food, no water, a cold, scary place. They dont know what you have been through."

Will smiled in defeat,

"Thank you, Mike."

"You are welcome!"



"This is indeed not tea."

Byler one shots I found on AO3Where stories live. Discover now