[02] That distant demeanor

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Jyp Int. School.

↪Third person pov↩

        "I'm telling you, she acted pretty cool? I think its all feign though," Hyunjin complained to his Hyungs, still vague by what happened earlier.

The poor creature has been jumped on by many females that one out of place occurrence had manage to put him in a spirally daze.

Chan looked at him with sympathy boldly written in his eyes, the llama has been ranting about this ever since they got to their spot in the cafeteria. He seemed freaked out about the entire situation. "That's great!" He tried to lift up the mood.

"No, that's bad! When we meet again at the end of today, she'll be different, maybe that's how she panics? Trust me, I've meet her kind before-"

"Quit rambling, Kid," Minho scrolled on his phone, paying no mind to whatever was going on. The cafeteria was rowdy as usual and he had came down with a headache, Hyunjin's rant wasn't making his mood any better.

Hyunjin frowned and turned to the person who was actually paying attention and genuinely cared. "I'm just saying, I don't need help."

"Really? I know a pretty good asylum."

"They didn't do a great job on you," Minho countered Changbin's jest, a lopsided grin displayed on his lips. He didn't need to look up. . .or in this case down to notice Changbin was glaring daggers at him.

Hyunjin stiffled a laugh, afraid that Changbin might grab him in a chokehold with those big guns of his. It wouldn't be the first time.

"Yah! What are you laughing at?" Changbin turned to the younger, scowling at his guts. "You're literally panicking over a girl."

"No, I'm panicking because she isn't panicking." Hyunjin corrected his Hyung. "Why isn't she panicking? She should be panicking? Now I'm panicking, this is so fucked up."

"Why don't you fit more panicking into that sentence?"

"Stop it," Chan patted Hyunjin— who was offended by Minho's comment— the taller calmed down and rolled his eyes. "Jinnie, relax, maybe she's different."

"Ew, that's a super cliche line!" Changbin grimaced, scooting away from Chan, who wanted to smack his head. Minho chuckled and for the first time, looking at his friends, amusement dripping off him, one that Hyunjin shared.

★. . . . .★

     "Shit!" Hyunjin muttered under his breath, as far as dumb goes, he just made one dumb mistake.

He didn't discuss where to meet after class. Should he head back to art class? Will she look for him? Of course, everyone knows his locker.

So he huffed and leaned on the green locker, shut his eyes and expected to hear his name any second.

"Hyunjin oppa!"

That was his name alright, but not from the voice he wanted to hear it from. If he remembers correctly— which he does—  Ryujin's voice wasn't really that high, it kinda sounded a bit hoarse and she also called him Hwang.

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