Extra #5

488 31 7

District 8, Seoul

↪Third person pov↩

       “Are you fucking with me?”

Hyunjin grunted under his breath, pressing a pillow on his head, in attempt to muffle the loud voices that emitted from Felix's room. The blonde had invited Seungmin and Squirrel over, cause neither of them had classes tomorrow and they planned on messing up Hyunjin's sleeping schedule as well.

“I mean if you want to.”

“Get your shit away from me.”

But no matter how hard Hyunjin tried, the noise wouldn't die down. All he wanted was just to sleep. Just when he had enough, the black haired jolted out of bed, marching straight to Felix's room. He knocked several times, waiting impatiently for Felix to open up.

The door opened alright, but it wasn't who the taller had expected, rather than a blonde chicken, Hyunjin was met with a brunette puppy, his eyes pushed into slits, his signature smile on. “Howdy ferret?”

“Shut up!”

“Oh my God, Hyunjin your voice is so annoying,” Jisung fake gagged.

“Fuck you.”

“Hyung, no swearing.”

“Fucking choke on a-”

“Someone's salty,” Seungmin cackled, interjecting Hyunjin's rants. At this point, the llama had given up on trying, so he huffed, walking away from Felix room. He moved to the living room with a blanket, hoping that flicking through various channels could help him sleep.

He hopped from shows to shows until he decided to gaze upon a random thing. And for a second it worked, well it almost worked. Hyunjin was jolted awake by a loud shrill, which so happened to belong to Jisung, who was running away from Seungmin, from the amount of times he yelled 'don't kill me' the black haired could only deduce that the quokka had done something insensible to him.

Hyunjin tried ignoring the noise yet again, but Jisung ran up to him, hiding behind his back. “Hey Min, if you hurt me, it'll make Jinnie sad.”



“What did we talk about bullying Hyunjin?” Felix came running down the stairs, interjecting the bickering and attempted murder.

“No bullying the ferret,” Both Seungmin and Jisung chorused, backing away from the still perplexed Hyunjin. Seungmin dropped the cushion, hopping next to the ravenette, Felix and Jisung joining in.

“Hope you don't mind us watching with you?” Hyunjin was about to oppose but Felix quickly interjected, switching to a different channel. “Thanks Jinnie.”

“I wanna watch horror.”

“Fuck you, I want to watch romance.”

Hyunjin rolled his eyes, sinking into the couch. Welp, there goes his beauty sleep.

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