Extra #2

564 34 8

Jyp Int. School
Main gate

↪Third person pov↩

       Autumn had Seoul in its grip so bad, robbing it of any sunlight and warmth, dipping the city down in its icy cold blanket. Strong winds blowing in every direction, ruffling the weak branches of tress scarce on leaves, tugging on store signs and other dangling objects and also breaking the ravenette's umbrella.

Ryujin stomped through rain puddles, soaking wet, her pale hands griped her bagpack's straps the more she shuddered. Teeth clenched and weak knees.

The scarf that was meant to keep her warm, draped on her neck, providing cold discomfort from being dripping wet. With each step she took, the rain drops got larger and larger. Gust of wind whisked around, turning her cheeks and nose red from the nibbling cold.

It was cold. She was cold.

A weak shaky smile managed to grace the shivering girl when the familiar apartment complex came in sight, and almost automatically, she started reciting the room number, a habit she had picked up after knocking on the wrong door.


Room fourteen on the third floor, she hummed. She just hoped either male was home and Kkami wasn't. She needed shelter and her home was farther away from the school than their apartment.

The stairs was empty and so was the hallway, no sign to prove that the building was inhabited by humans, Ryujin could only deduced that they were all inside, sheltered away from the bitter cold outside.

After several more shaky steps, the ravenette smiled when she saw the all too familiar door. She knocked softly but got silence as a reply. Ryujin huffed, knocking several more times.

Alas, what she dreaded was true. They weren't home, maybe they didn't make it before the rain started and had caved themselves in maybe a cafe?

Ugh, this is so frustrating.

Ryujin turned on her heels and was about to leave when she heard the door open, a blonde Australian chicken, all wrapped up like a burrito, peeking through a little fraction he had opened.


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