[28] An actual fucking ferret

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Jyp Int. School

↪Third person pov↩

Hyunjin felt all jittery, he pushed passed the sea of students, who so happens to be heading the same way as him, his hand firmly holding Ryujin's wrist, tugging her along to the cafeteria.

She– of course– had eventually stopped shying away from having a conversation with the brown haired. After hard persuasion from Jeongin, who literally had to leave her alone each time they randomly bumping into Hyunjin in school, encouraging her to start up conversations whenever they sat next to each other, it took a while but the two had managed to return back to their chatty self and Man; it was nice.

Hyunjin searched for the familiar table, where three males were seated– as always. Heaving out a heavy sigh, he approached them with slower steps. The trio had been prodding him about when they get to meet Ryu and after hard procrastinating, he finally surrendered and agreed to bring her over.

And believe me, he didn't want this meeting to take place, considering how much they quip with matters like this.

"Isn't that Hyunjin?"

"No, its Chan's nonexistent hairline."

Chan just sighed, looking at nothing in particular, his eyes trained on the distance as his mind wandered off to the many times he had dyed his hair.
His luscious, pretty, hair. Ah, the good ol' days.

"Did you say anything about Chan's hair?" Hyunjin inquired the moment he got to the table, he had seem that look more than a hundred times to know the cause of it.

Minho just smiled innocently, his pretty eyes batting softly to sell out the words he was about to say next. "No," he grinned, looking away from his phone.

"Yeah, ri-" Changbin paused mid sentence, now acknowledging the female behind the younger, his brows evilly arched downwards, arising a suspicious grin that yells out what he's about to say next. "Is that Ryu?"

"No, its your nonexistent height."

And just like that, Changbin had the same look at Chan, leaving Minho laughing maniacally at his job well done.

"He's evil," Ryujin whispered to Hyunjin, and that's when Chan ears perked up, he looked at them with surprise and a hint of glee. "Hi," the shorter waved.

"Hey, he really wasn't joking this time," Chan smiled, ushering her a seat, which she hesitantly took. "Hi, I'm Chan, and this is Changbin and Minho."

"Hey, I can introduce myself," Minho protested. "Hi, I'm Minho, and this is Changbin and Chan."

"What makes you think I can't introduce myself?" Changbin butted in, a stern look on his face. "Hi, I'm Changbin, and this is Chan and Minho."

And that's when Hyunjin face palmed. This is totally a bad idea. He took a sit which so happens to be away from Ryujin, who sat between Chan and Minho.

"Nice to finally meet you," Chan spoke up, before giving Hyunjin a look which he was yet to understand. "Jinnie talks a lot about yo-"

"She doesn't want to know that!" The brown haired interjected. Knowing full well Chan would willingly rave everything that he had said.

"Cool, can we ask her questions now?"

"You're not my parents."

"Oh my gosh, my poor papa Chan heart," The older feigned sadness, Changbin patting his back as he wiped a face tear.

"I'm okay with being asked questions, Hwang," Ryujin rolled her eyes, leaning on the backrest. Unbeknownst of how chaotic this trio could get.

"Hwang?" Minho perked up. "You just got first name-zoned!"


Yup, this wasn't his best decision.

★ . . . . . ★

"Hey Yongbok?" Hyunjin sluggishly got into the apartment, his tired eyes scanning for the mentioned blonde. He hadn't seen him in school and wanted to rant about Ryujin meeting his Hyungs and all the embarrassing details about him they told her.

But it was dead silent.

"Kkami?" The brown haired got nothing and shrugged it off, thinking that the Australian might had taken the puppy out for a walk. He beelined into the kitchen, grabbing a bottle of water, and that when he realized the weather wasn't suitable for walking a dog.

Autumn was getting out of hand.

He took out his phone to call Felix, pausing when he heard the sound of keys rattling. Felix always does that. Shakes the keys multiple times before opening the door. It was usually annoying but this time it managed to calm the taller.

"Oh, its open," he heard the chicken's deep voice, followed by sighs of relief and then another familiar voice.

"Which means the ferret is home."

"Haha, Hyunjin is a fer-" The door opened and when Felix spotted the older standing with arms crossed he paused. "Jinnie Hyung, you're home?"

"Who's the ferret?" Another oddly familiar voice resonated from behind, Jisung and Felix moved aside, revealing a third party with black hair and soft brown eyes, he looked at the older, his brows shooting up. "Holy shit, he's an actual fucking ferret."

"Finally, someone else sees it," Jisung beamed, throwing his arms on the taller boy– which Hyunjin remembers to be the quiet boy in Korean class. Seungmin. "Wanna join forces and torment him by being annoying?" He asked with a smug grin.

"Well, I barely know him, but he seems like a nice guy and isn't rude to me," Seungmin pondered, poking his cheek. "Count me in!"

"What the shit?"

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- Advice
- nervous llama

Anyways hi, how are you?
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