Idk How to Name Chapters. 2

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As your mother was desperately looking for her daughter's father, Gothi came by and handed you to your mother. She wrote on the floor "And your husband?" 

"I'm not sure Gothi. He left before I found out I was pregnant. He said he was going to look for the dragon's nest." Your mother responded, miserably.

"Alone?" Gothi wrote on the floor, confused and shocked.

"Yes. I don't even know what that man was thinking! I can't help but feel sad and worried, even though he put it onto himself." Your mother said, believing as anyone else would, that your father had died. When he didn't return after a month, your mother feared the worst. But no one knew that your father was just fine.

Gothi looked at your mother sadly, but then wrote on the floor, "What do you want to name her?". Gothi looked back up at your mother, smiling slightly.

"I think I'll name her Y/n." Your mother said, now slightly forgetting her misery.

Gothi looked at your mom happily and wrote on the floor, "I think that's a great name."

"Thank you Gothi. I should get going, and get Y/n used to her home."

Gothi looked up at your mother once more as if she was forgetting something. Suddenly her eyes lit up and she wrote, "Do you have someone to care for her when dragons attack?"

Your mother looked at Gothi happily. "Yes, infact, I do! I was thinking that Valka would okay with taking care of her while I fight the dragons. Y'know, since she takes care of her Hiccup at home." Your mother looked back down at you, who apparently decided that the conversation got boring, and took a nap. Your mother thought you looked so peaceful asleep, but uhh... I mean, yeh you did! Yeah.. totally.. 

Gothi looked at your mother happy, as she knew her and Valka were close friends. Then, she turned around and got ingredients ready for a potion. She grabbed a paper which had a Viking's name and illness on it. Your mother grabbed the last of her things and left. While she was walking towards her hut, she couldn't help but think about your father. A man who was strong, but gentle. Kind, but menacing when pushed too far. Your mother loved your father more than anything, so of course she was hurt. But, now she had a new light, a new love to care for. And she would risk the world for you.

Your mother bumped into someone, and nearly dropped you, but, her quick reflexes saved you. She started to get mad, furious, infact. But she remembered it was her fault she bumped into someone. "I'm sorry, I wasn't looking ahead of me." Your mother said to the mysterious person, looking up. But when she looked up, she saw a face she loved so much.  

"Valka!" Your mother said happily. "I thought you were at your hut! I was just about to head there to introduce you to my new baby!" Your mother smiled. Valka looked down at you sleeping, actually looking peaceful this time. (Gotta look your best for Valka. And for someone else. :) ). "She's so cute! What's her name?" Valka said, softly, as to not wake you up. "Y/n." Your mother said, lovingly. "What a lovely name. Almost makes me want to go back in time and give Hiccup a better name." Valka said, laughing slightly. "Why did you name him Hiccup? I know for a fact you don't believe in gnomes and trolls." You mother asked, though, slightly guessing why. "Well, while I was giving birth to him, I had Hiccups." Valka said, laughing at the memory. You mother started to laugh too, and soon her and Valka started to walk together. 

"Do you think her and Hiccup will get along? I mean, Zen didn't seem to care all that much when he saw Hiccup for the first time." Your mother said, now starting to think about her eldest child, Zen, who is currently 7 years old, and how life would play out with Valka if their kids didn't like each other. "I'm sure they will. I don't see a reason that they wouldn't. But then again, you never know." Valka said, now starting to wonder what might happen if Hiccup didn't like you, or if you didn't like Hiccup. Valka and your mother (I'll just put Y/M from now on.) shook off the thought. "Well, what if we introduce them while they're young! They'll likely form a bond together if they spend most of their time together!" Y/M said, hopeful. "I think that's a great idea! Lets hurry then!" Valka said, now excited. 

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