chapter 3 arrival in a new world

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AN: hello everyone! time for a new chapter of this story! Now Naruto's in Gensokyo i had a lot of fun writing this chapter! i hope you all enjoy reading it have a nice day

                                       girls are preparing. please wait warmly.

When the group got out on the other side Naruto' first words were " Oh this place is ...
Amazing!" It truly was the other ninja agreed, looking out the grounds of the humble shrine. Climbing a tree to get a better view, the ninja could see 2 mountains larger than what they had ever scene before and Forrests with many shades of green from deep green to an almost yellow color there also seemed to be some blue and red there but the onlookers couldn't decide if that was a trick of the light or not. Aside from the never ending forrest of trees there was also a seemingly never ending bamboo field. A huge lake was spotted with mist visibly coming off the water. You could barley make out a mansion near it. In a large valley there seemed to be a village, and a large temple. Even from a distance this looked like a scene out of a folk legend a land between reality and fantasy.

The three older ninja each sent out a pulse of chakra, to get a better grasp of their surroundings. While none of them were natural sensors they learnt the skills to become one during their time under the fourth. What they sensed at first filled them with wonder vibrant energy that seemed to be limitless coming from every direction it wasn't chakra it seemed to be an other form of energy. Next it they felt something in the mountains behind the shrine they were at that filled them with dread... they almost wanted to apologize to the nine tailed fox, for so long they and their fathers called it a demon, however what they were feeling right now made they were felt facing that demon like nothing. This was true demonic energy. What they were sensing the energies of Makai, of a true, literal hell.

In a panic the three sent out another pulse of chakra which led them to find a different energy up above the shrine this energy filled them with hope and joy for this was a holy energy coming from heaven they noticed that another place also had a high concentration of this energy the largest mountain they could see. This energy they did not know, came from Tenkai, from heaven. Not just fantasy and reality, this land seemed in between everything, heaven and hell, dreams and legend, safe and dangerous. "W-what is this place? Where are we?" One of the three adult ninja said out loud, but not even he could recognize their own voice at this moment.

 A young woman's Voice would respond to that question in a tone somewhere between casual and cheery "Gensokyo."The ninja turned around too see Yukari walking towards them along side a brown haired, brown eyed shrine maiden. "Welcome, Im Reimu Hakurei The Shrine maiden who defends this land, and one of the blonde's teachers. I'll be taking you to your lodgings."


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