chapter 7 Dear you

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girls are preparing. please wait warmly.

Dear hinata, shikamaru
-can I call you shika? shikamaru is too long-
Anyways Im end of my first year here, I'm still five. working as a butler is fun but I can't do much yet. Even if I could Sakuya-san said I would get stabbed by her if I use the wall climbing jutsu to dust off the ceiling. I'll clean up the mess my shoes make anyway so there no need to hurt me! So for now I only allowed clean tables and stuff after meals. Have either of you tried gardening yet? Its fun despite how troublesome you said it was Shika. Sometimes Mei-ling sleeps on the job and I get to prank her, everyone always helps me. One time we stacked a bunch of stuff on her head, because she slept standing up, how do you do that? Suika came by and helped stack stuff on her head. It reached so high even remi-sama came out to see it. But mei-ling is cool though! Everyday people challenge her to tai-jutsu fights and she beats them all up! Her style is strong too. Schoolwork is booooooring as hell but with only one on one classes I can't sleep like you, Shika. Raido just rolls up a news paper and bops me on the head with it. Maybe kids should stack things on you while you sleep? Hinata can you do that for me? And get some friends to help? thanks! hinata you said you have a sister? How is she? Is she your little sister, or older? Because I was talking with the other uzumaki and with Ran-sama and they said that family doesn't have to be blood related. So I want you and Shika to be my sister and brother. We don't have to share a clan, because of politics. Genma told me about that I think its just a bunch of dumb adults with sticks up their butts who care about their image too much. I mean have you seen the elders? They look old and constipated and all they do is politics. But thats all I have to say because Im not allowed to talk about my training, bye!

Mission report end of year one
Naruto has settled in to the SDM nicely as have all of us. The introduction of magic has thrown a wrench into the training schedule, but otherwise its a valuable assist. Genma has quickly picked up the basics of wood and fire magic. The others are behind as they did not choose to obtain magic at the same rate as him. Information about Gensokyo is hard to come by but it is always lively here. We have found little inregard to the demonic and heavenly energy's we have felt but they seem connected to the shrines in this land. Naruto's progress is on schedule he has gotten down leaf sticking and spinning in his first year through great effort. Outside of the psychological problems addressed in our first report, there have not been any issues however he has genin level reserves of chakra that seem to be quickly expanding due to mana. by the end of his training he is expected to have similar chakra levels to an average jonin, if not more. He has covered all first year studies to a passing degree. He has the started Hong mei-lings tai-jutsu style as well. He is very good at using its style, better than any of the native konoha ones known by us. The head maid teaches Naruto a type of throwing knife jutsu and she is both exceptional in her field and as a teacher. For kenjutsu, Naruto has started using with a boken. Youmu Konpaku has said Naruto will not get a sword before we come back as even ten year olds are not mature enough for a sword. It will not be until next year for him to learn any ninjutsu and two years for seals. As it stands we fill in the gaps his teacher cannot teach Such as shuriken-jutsu and survival techniques. Naruto's loyalty seems to be firmly planted in Konohagakure. He has stated he wants Konoha to become allies with Gensokyo.

The yokai and humans of Gensokyo are amazing to put it lightly. Patchouli not only gave us the abilities to use magic, she was able to give other yokai the ability to use Chakra. Not only that but it seems that anyone with both energy sources have increased lifespans. We recommend taking advantage of this development when forming an official alliance we have not discovered anything on the energies we sensed when we first arrived here but the investigation moves onward.

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