chapter6: in the eyes of the court

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(A/n: hello guys happy Easter! I got a question i wanted to answer before the story, Why would Yukari care about what the Hokage has to say or his terms?

she doesn't but she wants Naruto to trust her and Yukari knows Hiruzen is like naruto's grandfather, If she endorsement from the man she earns his trust easier then if she approaches him as a stranger. Furthermore Naruto needs to go back to the leaf for Yukari's plans, when he does if he was just Awol Hiruzen would question Naruto and keep him under a closer watch. Yukari is both intelligent and manipulative, she knows how to get what she wants the best way. Why waste time and energy trying to convince Naruto to her side if one conversation with an old man can do just that for her? anyways onto the story!)

girls are preparing. please wait warmly.

Shikaku was not shocked by much anymore, years of being Jonin commander had him see, experience, plan, anticipate and outwit many events, people and circumstances too the point he could take almost anything with a cool head. Yet walking in to the Konoha shin-obi meeting room too see the third hokage, and the two elders along with Tsume Inuzuka standing against Danzo Shimura Jiraiya, Hiashi Hyuga and Shibi Aburame with Fugaku playing mediator, he was certainly shocked. "Well this is a a mix up, surely the Academy changes weren't that controversial."

Most turned their heads at the sound of the commander's voice, only Danzo and Hiruzen staring at each other still. "good, your here" Jiraiya growled "Maybe you can get it through the old mans thick skull how bad of a call he made."

"A bad call would be leaving the boy in the village that attacked him, even with guards, to possibly be attacked again." Homura countered "Lord Hokage did what he had to in a limited time with limited resources. We cannot risk the kyuubi escaping due to an unhealthy stress on the boy."

"wait lets start form the top, I know this is about Naruto and the night he was attacked one year ago, how does it factor into this?" Shikaku asked, motioning to the two crossed factions.

Hiruzen took the the chance to explain first "On the night of Naruto's attack a wanderer, saved Naruto from the mob. This mob was instigated by a man wearing a seal on his tongue one that made it too fatal to invade his mind, and since he would not answer questions we could not get any information from him. Before our seal experts could break the seal he killed himself though a poison. Naruto's guard was moved by Danzo too a different job and two root agents were confirmed to be guarding Naruto instead." Hiruzen glared pointedly at the man.

The war obsessed mummy squinted at the implication "my guards were punished for their negligence and there is nothing to prove I have a conn-"

"OH COME OFF IT DANZO," Tsume yelled "we all know it was you, no enemies or spies were in the village no detectors were set off by the barriers for entering or leaving the village. no one else would try to attack him, just admit it here so we can have an honest conversation!

"Its not like we can prosecute you anyway, slippery bastard covered his trail." Fugaku mumbled

"Humph" was Danzo's only response.

" After I took Naruto to the hospital I conversed with this Wanderer." Hiruzen continued, "From this conversation I learned she had connections to the Uzumaki. This was confirmed by Minato's old guard that left with Naruto. There are four full blooded Uzumaki living and training with Naruto they are going to return with the boy after he turns ten and join our village. She proposed to train with Naruto and let him stay with her for that time, and had no problems training Naruto in Konoha if that was not allowed, showing a level of altruism in her motives and also proposed letting minato's guard that is famous for knowing a variant of the Hiraishin guard him. In the coming week up to Naruto's departure she negotiated a military trade deal with me. Yes, what I did was hasty but considering situation at the time it was the best call and will allow Naruto growth and personal training from Three very loyal ninja and will let the civilians cool their tempers down."

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