New companions

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I start to wake up and open my eyes, who am I? Where am I? It's still dark out but then I start to feel some pain in my back. Oh that's right I had a tooth in my back. Reaching behind I find the wound and its's stitched up. I look around and see that I'm not in my family's pod, there's no one here and I'm hungry.

Getting up from the floor was a little hard though and I stumbled a bit before standing up straight. I walk over to the entrance, peeking out my head to see if anyone's there but to my surprise everyone seems to be sleeping. Damm I must have been out for a while.

I then hear two voices come from my left side and back up into the pod. It's Ronal be Tonowari, noooooooo I don't want to run into them but I mean they let my family leave me here. So they should expect me in here.

     They enter and I stand up straight, fiddling with my fingers and my head bowing down to show respect to the Tsahik. I hear their footsteps stop and Ronal sigh, then they speak.

     "Sit." I hear Tonowari gestures with his hand, I nod and quickly follow his instruction.

     "We would like to discuss some things with you." Ronal says, I perk up and lift my head to look at them. Even when sitting down you can just how much bigger they are, although for some reason I it that I'm so much smaller than them. Oh no is this the size kink thing I read about, oh well I guess there's not much I can do.

     "Your wound will take some time to heal, I would advice not to move around too much the first 2 weeks."  Ronal says handing me a small bowl with this green liquid substance in it. I'm wondering what the fuck is this but to afraid to ask but I'm sure they'll be willing to answer.

     "Olo'eyktan, Tsahik would it be okay for me to speak?" I ask them putting my bowl down. They halt and put their bowls down as well, gesturing me to continue.

     "I'm wondering why I'm still in here, assuming my family could have easily carried me back to our pod." I say looking at them both. They make eye contact with each other for a few seconds and then look back at me.

     "Well as we said we wanted to discuss some things with you, not only about your wound but...we're curious about you, Y/n." Ronal says. My eyes go wide, shocked that they even bothered to learn my name and that they were curious about me.

"Oh, I see...what would you like to know." I respond with a smile. This felt as if it was the beginning of something new.

"For starters we would like to know how you came to be like this since your parents and siblings are Na'vi." They spoke. "But also how your life has been affected because of it."

"Truthfully, I don't know how I ended up like this, neither does my family or the other humans we worked with." I say letting out a sigh. Now looking back at it, I really was a freak. "When I was little my life was ok because I was just a child but as I got older people...spoke their minds more and more to my face." I continued lifting my head to see their faces which just held focused and serious look.

     "Did...did you still get treated like that even when you reached adulthood?" Tonowari asked curiously.

     "Yeah, I mean I did get more respect but that doesn't mean that they liked me. There were mostly Na'vi where we lived with few humans, but the majority of the other humans would spend their time in their avatars which you would call dream walking. I really only hung out with these two other humans." I say tasking my first sip from the bowl and it was actually really good, it had a fruit like taste. Then Ronal spoke.

     "But what about your family, you didn't spend your time with them." She asked, family is a very important thing in Na'vi culture so I see why she would ask that.

     "I did spend a little time with them when I was younger but my mere existence affected them. The people in the village started saying hurtful things to them and became uncomfortable around them because of me. So I...separated myself from them." I reply. The memories I have from "home" aren't all that great now that I think about it but I guess I got used to it.

"What did your family think about this?" They both ask. I pause, I don't really know.

"I don't know but I assume they didn't have a problem with it because when I slowly started spending less and less time with them they didn't say anything about it. That part hurt a bit not gonna lie but I get it even if I don't like it." I spoke taking another sip from the bowl. Damn this shit is good. I look back at them and see worried expressions which is odd, I though they were just curious about my life as a "Na'vi-Human".

"Why don't you try and reconnect with them?" Ronal asks. This shocks me a bit but I just press my lips into a thin line.

"I was never really connected with them to begin with, as much as I love each and every one of them, to them I'm just a burden. I don't think they'll ever care for me the same amount I care for them because I would die, kill and live for them." I say letting out a breath. They gives my sorrow filled expressions and by my supervise take my hands, ronal takes my left, Tonowari my right.

"That sounds very lonely...we've seen during your time here that you care for them very much and try to protect them the best you can. We find that honorable and you have gained our trust from what we've seen form you. So starting now we'll be your new companions so that you won't be so lonely." Ronal says, my mouth is basically to the ground and my eyes so wide my eyes look like their about to pop out. What the fuck, h-how, I mean I though they hated me but I guess they were actually studying me. Nonetheless this makes me happy so I smile and get up to hug them.

"Thank you" I whisper in their ears as their frozen from my sudden hug but they eventually return it. The rest of the night I tell them little things about my self and what I did with my time back home. They also talked about themselves as well, occasionally making a joke.

So the feeling I had earlier was right, this is the beginning of something new.

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