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Losing a parent is like letting go of your old life. you now have to be someone different because you lost someone so close to you, or that's what others think. They treated me and my brother like were fragile, well mostly me. I was so close to my dad that when he died from cancer I didn't know what to do. It didn't help that two months later my mom surprised us and told us she sold our childhood home so that she could move us a state away. I've never hated my mom more than I do now because the move didn't help like she thought it would, it made things worse. Now the only memories of my dad are on my phone, some clothes of his, and stuff he bought me.

The house had everything, his smell, the hole in the wall when he let me and my brother Noah take our mattress down the stairs and Noah's head went through the wall. Or when he got really sick, regardless of him dying, those were the best times. I got homeschooled just to take care of him and now my mom wants me back in public school when we get to California. I haven't talked to her since she put the for sale sign in the yard and I plan on keeping it that way. well, except for now, "Mom can you please get your dog! he smells like piss" I let out annoyed as Jax kept jumping from his bucket seat into mine and licking my hands as I scroll through my iPhone 5 for music. YouTube is my go-to because no one is going to pay a dollar and ninety-nine cents for one song.

So on top of that, Jax, and my mom, I couldn't wait to get to our new house so that I could sprint to my new room. "Don't be a baby Lorelai, I told you to give him a bath last night". "And I told you I didn't want to move, I guess we're both unhappy people" She looked at me through the rearview mirror and gave me a, I guess what she thought was a reassuring smile. "I didn't move you two out here out of spite Lor, I thought it would be a fresh new start for all of us, a new town, new house, new school. Your brother hasn't complained once" We both looked at my brother who sat in the front passenger seat but he was too busy bopping to music.

"He hasn't complained because his friend at school does illegal things Mom and he got the new Drake album on Noah's phone for free" she laughed while I rolled my eyes. I wasn't going to be the brat I could be, I was just going to ignore her but I kind of wanted that Drake album downloaded onto my phone too. I pulled out my phone and texted Noah even though he was in front of me but he wouldn't elaborate out loud on what he and his friends do.


Me: Can you send me your friend's number?

His eyes connected with mine through the rearview mirror and I gave him a pleading smile and tapped my earphones.


Noah: Who? Henry?

Me: No Benjamin Franklin... YES Henry you idiot.

Noah: I'll text him for you, what do you need?

Me: The new Drake album

Noah: Hell no. Remember last week you got mad at me because I wasn't as pissed as you for having to move and you deleted every song he put on my phone? you're on your own Lor.

Me: Are you serious!? I haven't even told Mom you smoke weed!

He read it. He seriously just read my message and left me on open. I kicked his seat but he didn't react because then we'd had to tell Mom why I was even kicking his seat in the first place. He just sticks his hand down the side and pinches my bare leg. Such a dick! I reach to smack him but mom slams on the brakes and my body is caught by the seatbelt and thrown back into the seat. what the hell? "Mom?" I say in a panicked tone. She looks back at me breathing heavily, "It's fine, just a coyote" I catch sight of it as it runs into the woods on the other side of the road, though I did catch a glimpse of beautiful blue eyes.

"I thought they said coyotes aren't in California" My mom shrugs as she begins driving again, "Well, looks like there are now" I read the sign as we go by that says 'Welcome to Beacons Hills'. I sigh and turn on Arctic Monkeys 'Wanna Be Yours' and close my eyes. "Ten minutes until we're at our new home!" my mom says excitedly as I close my eyes. As soon as I begin to drift off, the van cuts off and the sliding doors on both sides of the van begin to open. I groaned in frustration as I barely caught myself from face plated onto the pavement, "Could've warned me-" Noah cut me off as he pushed me back to open the trunk and get his suitcases out. The moving truck wouldn't be here until Thursday, it's currently Monday afternoon.

"Oh shut up you big baby, you felt the car stop before she opened the door" I mocked him and he pointed a finger at me as if I'd do whatever he wanted. I reached out to bite it and he smacked me in the forehead before taking off to the front porch. "Moron," I say as I grab my two suitcases and follow him to the porch to put my things down, where I then begin to hit and punch him. "Lorelai Elizabeth Jones! Stop hitting your brother now!' I move away from him but that doesn't stop me from whining about it. "He freaking hit me first-!"

"Go!" she says as she opens the door and of course, Jax trips me and makes me fall into the house where I'm met with black boots. I'm quickly onto my feet and a very handsome-looking man is in front of me. His green eyes flicked to mine but I was captivated by his smile. He looked like he hadn't shaved in a week but that was perfectly fine, gosh he was fine-. "Um excuse me? who are you?" my mom says as she pushes me behind her. "I'm Derek Hale, your landlord asked me to come to fix your back door, didn't he tell you?" I gulp, feeling some type of energy coming off of him and suddenly his smile wasn't pretty anymore.

My mom laughs and waves him off, "Yes! He did, I am so sorry. The drive here-" she begins walking off and he follows her, Jax is already gone, I'm sure waiting at the back door to go out into the fenced-in backyard. "Was that weird or was that just me?" I say as I turn around to see Noah with his headphones in, laughing at his phone. Then he looks up he looks at me confused, "What?" I roll my eyes and take my suitcases upstairs to whichever room I want because, by the time Noah gets upstairs, I already have my suitcase open on my new bedroom floor. Of course, Mom got the bigger master but my room also had a bathroom in it too, leaving Noah without one but there was a bathroom down the hall and I think I saw a half one downstairs.

As I start to hang up my clothes, I decide why not turn on some music. But then I see my mom talking to that Derek guy again, so I open my window. "Noah is the oldest, Lorelai is only fifteen. She's having a hard time adjusting again since James died... she'll be attending Beacon Hills-" My throat begins to close up at the mention of my father's name. I was about to close the window when Derek said, "Beacon Hills High huh? My little brother goes there, he can show her around if she'd like" I almost scream to stop it but my mom gets to it instead.

"Oh, she'd love that! Lorelai got homeschooled when her father got sick so she's been out of the game for two years, If he really could, I'd appreciate it just as much as her-" she's cut off by the loudest howl I've ever heard. I looked up and of course, full moon, seen a coyote earlier, what a coincidence. I sigh and shut my window back. I guess this is my new home now.

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