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Stiles POV//

This is real and I am not dreaming. This is real and I am not dreaming. This is real and I am- "Stiles" I jump as I hear Scott call my name. I look down at my hands and count my fingers. Ten, I have ten fingers. I'm not dreaming. I look up again and I see my dad and his team leaving, and then Scott is in my face blocking my view. "Stiles, you okay?" I nod as I look down at my fingers again. "Yeah, I- I think I know what the coyote was after" I pulled the doll out of my book bag and Scott's eyes widened.

 "Why the hell did you take the doll?" He snatches it from me and throws it leaving it down in the locker room somewhere. "I thought it would mean something! It obviously does" he sighs and starts to walk so I follow him away from the locker room.

"I've got a plan and it involves all of us, everyone is meeting up at the trail after I visit Deaton to get the insulin" I nod and tap my fingers on my pants leg. "Also after all of this, I was thinking we could throw a party at Derek's Thursday night since he's leaving town in the morning. You should ask Lorelai to come" I laugh nervously as we come to a stop in front of our lockers. "I- I don't know she didn't seem like the type to even want to talk, much less party" he pats me on my shoulder with a smile on his face.

 "How would you know? You've barely talked to her plus you gave her your pen that you had me hand to her. You've gotta throw yourself out there because if you think she doesn't want to talk, she definitely isn't going to make the first move" I shake my head and look away.

"Fine, you're right but I don't even have her number so" I shrug because now the problem isn't on me and she isn't getting me any more nervous than she has been when I first saw her. Lydia has been my crush for a long time but when I saw Lorelai sitting all quiet in class today, I think I found myself a new girl. "I have it, I got it from her brother, his name is Noah" Great, problem back on. He takes my phone out of my hand and begins typing away. 

When he hands it back, her name is pulled up and he types out "Hey this is Stiles" and sends it to her. "What the hell man?" He smiles but then his eyes advert to Kira the other new girl who is walking down the hall. "You should get with her" he turns and laughs and then shakes his head. "No" I shrug as I begin to walk away, "you should" I yell before making my way to my car. On my way I stopped so, I could read what he sent her. I sigh, am I able to read again? I look at the words beside me on the wall, no. I check my phone again and the words are visible but still nothing.

I throw it in my pocket and walk out to my run-down blue Jeep. "Stiles" Lydia stops me and I'm surprised. "Hey, Lydia... you're talking to me?" I say in a joking way. We've gotten over the "I'm better than you" act since Jackson left so of course now she is my friend, but I love to play with her here and there. "Oh hush it. I need to know if you still think things aren't real, like right now. Does it feel real?" I gulp because I don't want to tell her, no it doesn't because I don't want anyone to worry about me but it doesn't. 

If I didn't have ten fingers, I'd think I was still in a dream. "Uh, yeah. Perfectly real to me, I feel fine" She nods but doesn't quite believe me. She turns as if she hears something, "What is it?" I say curious since she did just find out that she was a banshee recently.

"N-nothing, it was nothing. I'm gonna go find Alison and see if we can figure out a pinpoint for the trail tonight, We need to catch Malia before it's too late and she's a coyote forever" I watch her walk away before I get into my Jeep and my phone beeps.


Lorelai: Hey, how'd you get my number?

Me: It didn't take much for your brother to pass it along.

I didn't want to mention that Scott got it from her brother and gave it to me because that would just be too weird. I begin driving when she doesn't text back immediately, jamming to "Counting Stars" by Imagine Dragons. My phone dings and I know it's her, I'm sure of it but I keep driving.

 I just need to get home and grab a few ropes and flashlights just in case this mission goes overboard and we're left in the pitch dark. Not everyone can turn and make their eyes adjust to the dark. Scotts have been more frequently, yesterday he got so mad he had to cut himself with his own nails to draw out the pain and bring himself back. we opened a door in our minds when we came back from the dead and now we are paying for it. 

And Alison has been seeing her dead aunt, god forbid she ever comes back. I began tapping my thumb against the steering wheel waiting for something else, I didn't want to text back too quickly. I don't know if girls liked that, I don't think Lorelai is the type to like it. She's probably listening to music and drawing and I'm waiting for a message. It dings again and I pull over on the side of the road, geez What's happening to me?


Lorelai: Of course, I should've known. What did you do, give him ten for it so he could buy a gram?

Lorelai: Sorry that might've been too much information. Please don't tell anyone that so I can be the only one to hold it over his head when he threatens to get me in trouble.

Me: I didn't give him anything, he was glad to give it over. Although he may come back for his ten because there's a party on Thursday night and I was wondering if you wanted to come?

I smile at my own response but then I quickly start to hate it and begin typing more.


Me: But you don't have to if you don't want to. I know parties aren't everyone's thing.

Me: Don't be pressured.

I'm hitting my steering wheel now and setting my phone down so that I will stop texting her. I put my car in drive and I made it all the way home and inside to get everything I needed before she even texted back. My phone dinged as soon as I got in my jeep making me drop everything into the seat beside me to grab my phone.


Lorelai: Parties definitely aren't my thing but I'm willing to try it out for you.

Lorelai: What time?

I smile at her messages, for me. She would come to the party for me. I smile at it too long as my phone dings, Scott said he's on his way to the trail in the woods. I text her back and head to meet up with the pack with a smile on my face the whole way there.


Me: 8pm. Can't wait to see you there!

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