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The bell rang and everyone got up except Stiles. He was still looking at his notebook, I didn't want to be weird and bother him but- "Stilinski, the bell has rang" Mr. Yukimura said as he gathered papers by his desk. His eyes land on me and I'm out in an instant, leaving Stiles behind. I didn't want him to think I was stalking him. I looked down at my schedule and found the door number I was looking for which was only three doors down. As I walk in, Scott is watching Kira as she takes her things out and sits at her desk, he must like her. His eyes catch mine and he waves, "Hey, I've got two seats left beside me if you want one?" I nod and take the one on his right.

As I begin taking my notebook out, Stiles walks in looking- very stressed. He's looking around as if he's paranoid until Scott pats him on the shoulder. "Hey man, you okay?" I look away since they were so close but I can hear them whispering. I'm digging in my book bag while trying to not look nosey but I can't find a pencil. "Dangit where is my pen?" I whisper and sure enough, Scott is handing me one. I look up in shock because there's no way he could've heard me, I barely let it out. "Uh... thanks?" I say as I take it and realize it was the same pen Stiles had been tapping on his desk in our second block. I smile as I write the date on top of my paper and look up at the teacher Mr. Finstock.

"Stilinski! Come up here and read" he says as the bell rings and everyone sits down at their desk. Stiles looks around, "Can you pick someone else coach?" Mr. Finstock laughs, "Stilinski, everyone participates in this class... even if it's not the same on the field" he points out and Stiles is to his feet and on the way to the front to read. I watch him as he gets up there and looks at the book. He stands there for a minute and then rubs his hand down his face, his eyes blinking rapidly. "Read Stilinsk- Stilinski?" Mr. Finstock said which caught Scott's attention and made him look up from a stack of paper he was going through. "Stiles, you okay?" He said as he stood up from his seat and walked to the front. A tear falls from Stiles's eyes as he tries to calm himself down but he starts to hyperventilate.

"I need to get him to the nurse," Scott says and Mr. Finstock nods in a quick manner. Scott helps Stiles out of the room, the door shutting behind them. The classroom was quiet for a minute before Mr. Finstock said, "Well... the remaining time is free, If you guys can't teach the class, I can't either" he said before flopping down in his desk chair and turning from us. I didn't want to be behind so I began to read what Stiles tried to read and answer the questions on the paper we were also given. By the time I found the last answer, the bell rang and I realized all of Stiles's things were still in here. I jumped up to grab them just as Kira grabbed Scott's things. "Oh- hi" I smile at her as I pack stiles things.

"Hi" I say back and that's all because I haven't started a conversation on my own in years. "Well, um. I was gonna go give this to Scott, wanna come with me?" I nod as I turn Stiles notebook over and catch, "wake up" written all over it. The page flipped and a vast half-cut down tree was on the other side. Kira caught sight of it too and looked just as confused as I did, It looked like something clicked in her brain but she didn't elaborate. "Ready?" I nod as I stuff everything of Stiles into his book bag before following her. The way to the nurse's office was silent and we didn't even find them there. "I think I have another idea where they could've gone" I don't even ask, I just follow.

"So, where did you move from?" I sigh, "Washington which obviously isn't far but my mom wanted a fresh start since my dad died" she cringed. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have asked-". "Don't be, I think I'm the only one taking it hard" Her face still looked oddly weird but she didn't say anything. "You?" She shrugged. "My first day was yesterday, I moved from New York where my father was a college professor, and now he's one of my teachers" She cringes and I laugh as we come downstairs and start walking to the boys' locker room. "Good, I'm not the only newbie around here, I have a brother too but he'll fit right in" she laughs as we hear a growl behind us. I'm the first to turn, "Oh my god!" I say as the same coyote that we almost hit yesterday, stood at the top of the steps not even twenty feet away from us.

The eyes glowed as we both took our first steps back, "Go" Kira whispered and we took off into the boys' locker room. Kira slams the door behind her and locks it and we run to get behind lockers. "It can't come through the door can it?" I whisper as we crouch down, "I hope not" she says right before we hear grass break and four feet hit the floor. I'm up on my feet faster than I can think as I hear the coyote making its way to us. Kira is looking around for something and I don't know what but all I do know is, we're about to die. On my first day back, I'm going to die right here because Beacon Hills obviously doesn't have a no-dog policy. Just as I peek and see the coyote, the lock in front of me crashes down on it and I jump seeing Scott holding Kira close to him as his arm was out like he pushed it.

What the hell? These lockers were very heavy. "Are you okay?" I turn to see Stiles with a metal bat in his hand, breathing heavily as he looks around but the coyote is gone. I nod, "Yes, I mean I think I am," I say as wipe my hair out of my face and turn back to Stiles. "Are you okay? You didn't look good in class" he went to say something when the door burst open and the police had their guns out, "Weapons down! No animal in here, just kids" Stiles ran to the man and I'm guessing it was his father because he hugged him so tight and lovingly. My heart only breaks as I look away.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Scott asks and I nod, "Yep. I just brought Stiles things but I should probably go". "They probably want to check you out".

"I'm fine" I say and hand him over Stiles's bag before I shimmy my way out of the locker rooms and back to where my own things were, in class where I left them so that I could tow all of his things. I saw Stiles on my way out but he was talking with Scott and his dad so I did what I'm best at, be seen and not heard. I had my headphones in when I came out of the school and got in the back of the van and didn't take them out regardless of how much my mom wanted to hear about my first day back.

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