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updating this bcz im bored and sick of crying my eyes out. ily all and tysm for all the support 🫶🫶🫶 //

In good honor of winning the Marriage Challenge, The boys got First class all to themselves. Chris asked Alejandro if he wanted to spend it "full honeymoon style" ifykwim and Tyler was hella confused.

I mean he knew that on honeymoons people had sex but he didn't know that two guys could have sex yk?

Alejandro denied Chris's question and got Chef to bring them a few bottles of Champagne which got the two boys fucked up.

At this point, 1:58 am, Tyler was laying with his head on Alejandros lap and Alejandro was running his hands through the jocks hair.

"Dude- Al- Do you ever just think about what Lindsay is doing right now?" Tyler mumbles. He obviously missed his girlfriend alot.

"Not really, mi vida, but Sometimes i think about what Heathers doing. Such a shame she got voted out" Alejandro chuckled. He had seduced her, Making her team loose the challenge.

"Ohhh right, You hooked up with Heather in the confessionalll... I remember seeing that" Tyler confessed. Alejandros eyes went wide with panic. "Excuse me? Amor, I've never had... sexual intercourse on this plane" Alejandro blatantly lied. He's practically hooked up with everyone except Tyler, Blainely and Owen.

"But i saw you.. It kinda looked fun. You're so lucky" Tyler sighed. At 18, he was still a virgin and it made him feel like he was behind everyone. "Mi vida... Its not really that fun.. Not when you don't enjoy it." Alejandro whispered. The only people he's probably had 'fun' having sex with was Duncan and Noah.

"Why didn't you enjoy it? Heathers hot!" Tyler blurted out, like saying anything like that would increase his chance of fucking someone. "Well Tyler, Can i tell you something?" Alejandro asked, knowing Tyler probably won't eemember come morning.

"Of course, Al! Whatever you need" Tyler responded with a huge smile. He loved his bestfriend. "Well, Tyler, I'm uhm.. gay" Alejandro admitted for the first time in his life. He hadn't accepted it until a few hours ago, when he kissed Tyler on National Television.

"Oh shittt... Like for real?" Tyler said shocked. He has never expected Alejandro, Woman Seducer, to be gay! Alejandro shook his head yes and hummed. "Dude thats awesome!" Tyler smiled and Kissed Alejandro. To this day no one knows if it was out of love or just because Tyler didn't know how to response.

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