Breaking up.

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Told y'all I'd post tonight 😎
anyway. sorry everyone im breaking up alejandro and tyler for a few chapters 😪

Two weeks after Tylers 21st birthday.

Tyler stumbled out of the club, the pulsating beats still reverberating in his ears. He had consumed one too many shots of liquid courage, and inhibitions had long abandoned him. The night air hit him like a slap, awakening his senses, and he leaned against a nearby lamppost for support.

Just as his mind began to clear, he caught sight of a figure approaching through the semi-darkness. Her steps were confident, and the sway of her hips entranced him. Tyler blinked, unsure if she was a mirage borne of his intoxicated state.

She drew closer, her eyes glinting mischievously. "Hey there, handsome," she purred, her voice as smooth as silk. "Fancy a cigarette?"

Tyler's heart pounded in his chest. The allure of this mysterious temptress was undeniable. He had never been quite so intrigued by a stranger before. "Sure... if you have one," he slurred, trying to maintain his composure.

She produced a sleek lighter from her pocket, her finger tracing seductive circles around its edges. "You'll have to earn it," she cooed, leaning in to place a teasing kiss on his lips.

Their mouths collided, passion surging between them like a tidal wave. The taste of her was intoxicating, and for a moment, Tyler forgot everything else. The world spun, and he lost himself in a sea of temptation and desire.

But as quickly as it began, it ended. The mysterious girl pulled away, a devilish glint in her eyes. "Enjoy your smoke, sweetie," she chuckled, disappearing into the night.

Tyler stumbled back, dazed and breathless. What had just happened? Was it all just a game? He felt a mixture of longing and confusion, his heart hanging in the balance.

Little did he know, this encounter would test his resolve and unravel secrets he never knew he had.

Duncan watched in horror as Tyler leaned in for a kiss with the mysterious girl in cool night air. His heart sank, thinking of Alejandro and how devastated he would be if he found out. He knew he had to tell him, no matter how hard it would be.

Without hesitation, Duncan grabbed his phone and dialed Alejandro's number. He paced nervously as the phone rang, praying that Alejandro would pick up.
"Hello?" Alejandro's voice came through the speaker, filled with sleepiness.
"Dude, you won't believe what I just saw," Duncan blurted out, his words coming out in a rush.

"What is it?" Alejandro responded, sensing the urgency in Duncan's voice.
"It's Tyler...he was at the club tonight and he...he cheated on you," Duncan spilled, the words leaving a bitter taste in his mouth.

Silence filled the line, amplifyng the tension between them. Duncan wished he could take back what he had just said-he didn't want to be the one that tore Alejandro's heart apart.
"Are you sure?" Alejandro finally questioned, his voice barely above a whisper.

"I saw it with my own eyes, man. I'm so sorry," Duncan replied, his own voice betraying his guilt.

Seconds felt like hours as Alejandro processed the devastating news. Duncan knew he had done the right thing, but that didn't lessen the pain they were all about to face.

"Thank you for telling me," Alejandro replied, his voice heavy with sorrow. "I need some time alone to think."

With that, Alejandro hung up, leaving Duncan standing there with a heavy heart and a weight of guilt upon him.
The guilt quckly turned to anger as he approached Tyler.

Duncan stormed into the his fists clenched tightly. "Tyler, we need to talk!" he seethed, his voice trembling with anger.

Tyler looked up, feigning innocence. "Talk about what, Duncan? I haven't done anything wrong."

"Don't play dumb with me!" Duncan spat, his voice rising. "I know you cheated on Alejandro!"

Tyler shrugged, a smirk playing on his lips. "Cheated?"

Duncan's rage intensified, his face turning red. "Don't act all innocent, Tyler. I saw your dumbass kissing a random slut"

"Woah, Dunc. She, She kissed me. Sure she was fucking hot but-" And just like that Tyler was knocked out on the ground due to the punk boys fist.

Duncan stood over Tyler, his fists clenched tight. The dimly lit alleyway echoed with a sense of impending danger. "You thought you could cheat on Alejandro and get away with it?" Duncan seethed, his voice dripping with venom.

Tyler stumbled back, his drunken haze intensifying his confusion. "Who the hell... I never cheated!" he slurred, his words barely intelligible.

The blatant lie triggered a rage deep within Duncan. A dark, primal fury burned in his eyes as he advanced towards Tyler. "You lying scum! How dare you!" he roared, his fists connecting with Tyler's body once again.

Tyler doubled over in pain, coughing up blood, gasping for air. The blows rained down on him relentlessly, his body absorbing each strike. The sound of bone crunching and flesh tearing filled the air, drowning out his screams of agony.
But amidst the cacophony of violence, a voice echoed through the alley

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