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wow 3 chapters in the span of 24hours im on fire.
Waydes birthday is December 3rd //

As the months passed and the seasons changed, Wayde was now 9 months old.

Tyler would barely let the baby out of his sight when it was his day and only ever let him out of his grasp when he needed to piss.

Alejandro on the other hand, only helped with Wayde occasionally, being told by his boyfriend that 'hes got it' and 'dont worry'.

In all honesty, Alejandro was worried about Tyler.

And one day, it had gotten too much.

"Mi Vida, go take a nap" Alejandro said to his exhausted boyfriend. "No.. can't leave Wayde." Tyler whispers, holding his son and feeding him a bottle.

"I've got him, mí corazon. Go to the bed and sleep" Alejandro took the baby out of Tylers hands and helped him off the couch.

"I- I can't. Don't wanna make you take care of him alone" Tyler whispers, hardly awake. "Amor, I'm a baby whisperer. I have 23 cousins."

"mkay... i love you " Tyler leaned in for a kiss with his boyfriend and walked to the bedroom.

"Aye, Wayde. Why does your dad have such bad postpartum anxiety." Alejandro shook his head and bounced the baby on his hip.

Wayde wiggled and tried to escape Alejandros grasp. His (step)father sat the baby on the floor and turned on the TV.

He scrolled on youtube before finding the baby sensory videos, to which Wayde was very happy and began squeeling.

"Is he okay?" Tyler yelled panicked from the bedroom, sounding terrified out of his mind. "He's okay Amor! Just talking" Alejandro responded back.

"I'll be back mi bebé" Alejandro kissed the top of Waydes head and gave him baby treats.

Alejandro slipped into their shared bedroom and saw Tyler sitting on the bed, staring into nothingness.

"Tyler? Mi amor are you okay" Alejandro said shocked, he hasn't seen Tyler like this since Lindsay and him broke up.

"Ale... Wheres Wayde?" He said scared. "Hes in the livingroom mi amor. Don't worry" Alejandro stroked his boyfriends hair.

"Whats wrong, Mi amor. Why are you so scared lately?" Alejandro asked as he held Tyler tight. "I just don't want him to die because of me. I love him so much" Tyler whispered and started crying into his boyfriends shirt.

"Shh shhh, its okay, desahogate. ya no necesitas preocuparte nena" Alejandro muttered, holding the jock close.

After a few minutes of Tyler crying, the bedroom door opened. Alejandro looked over and no one was there, until he looked down farther and saw Wayde crawling towards them.

"Tyler, you might wanna see this Mi vida" Alejandro said. Tyler looked up and saw his son crawling for the first time.

"Oh my god-" Tyler whispered as the baby crawled closer to them and then sat. Wayde then let out a loud whine andexteneed his arms.

Alejandro grabbed the baby and tossed him onto the bed and started tickling him. "Wanna take a nap with your dad?" Alejandro cooed to the baby.

After a few minutes, All of them were snuggled in the bed with a movie turned on sleeping...

maybe parenting wouldnt be that bad

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