Thats me with curly hair. Thats when i first started doing the cowash and all that stuff so my hair looks little frizzy.
We all have different hair types that are curly. There are 3 Parts 1a,1b,1c. 2a,2b,2c. 3a,3b,3c.
The first part is when you get cunfused and you think your hair is curly but it is really wavy. Second is curly. Third i really love its that African American Curlys. (Am not trying to be racist i promise iam trying not to say it in a rude way.) But its those tight curls. I wish i had those its really pretty but long.
Have any questions please ask me. I have curly hair to and i know what you guys have been though. There has been a point where you just hated your hair and always straightened it. But that has to stop love and admire your hair. Trust me a girl with straight hair can NEVER have your beautiful hair. They can curly it but it will just fall out. Our hair is natural and ALWAYS comes out different. Love your hair girls.