end of the road

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Okey what type of questions?

. just this one question do you feel different?

I feel like I'm smarter and more powerful then before

.Well that's an issue!

How is that it is an issue and also How do I get this suit off.!?

.You can't Mr Nest you have to die in it to order the suit to release you!

How do you know this?

.My high school friend he use to wear that suit to a prom until one day someone put a curse on it and the next day he asked me to help him but there's nothing to do for him till one day on the faithful night he got killed by a mafia the same mafia you took control of and I know it's the same Mafia because of their signature logo.

God damn I didn't know that

. Yeah I know but good thing you took over the Mafia and got my revenge for him.

So I'm stuck with this suit on until I die!

.yes you are right

Why didn't you try to destroy the suit?

. I tried different ways to destroy the suit but I couldn't get a scratch on the suit it's basically Invincible!

I guess this is the end of the road for me

.Not yet Mr Nest your work isn't finished yet I'll see you soon my friend

Mr nest was trying to say something before the mysterious Man exits the building

Mr Nest begins to think about his first kiss in his life years ago

Curse Of The Blue SuitWhere stories live. Discover now