the end of everything

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I will track down the person who is responsible of putting the curse on this suit in the first place and once I do I will ask that person to uncurse this

. You really think that's a good idea this person could be more powerful than you and you are risking yourself to uncurse the suit by asking that person to uncurse it

Yes I am I'm willing to do anything to get this suit off of me to be honest I'm tired of wearing this suit

. If you willing to do this then I will help you track down this person no matter what the consequences will be

Thank you for helping me Bryson I need all the help I can get

Mr Nest and Bryson truck down the person is responsible for the curse in the first place moments later Mr Nest broke in and upper hands the unknown person

° No let me go now or else there will be consequences!

Tell me how to get this curse off of this suit you put it on the suit in the first place you know how to get it off so tell me now!

°the curse? Oh yeah I remember I put that curse on that suit in the first place because the original owner of it killed my sister and that's part of my revenge

The original owner is dead and the curse is still on it and now the curse of the blue suit is on me now and the curse is still on it I don't understand

°I don't remember what curse I put on it but I could reverse it somehow if you release me of course

Let me talk to my partner first then I can decide to release you or not

. Can we trust him?

I don't know if we should, he said he doesn't remember what curse he put on this so I don't know exactly

Mr nest and Bryson is hesitating to rather release him kill him or torture him to get the curse off of the suit

Moments later Mr Nest decides to release him

I hope you get to curse off of this suit and also What's your name?

° my name is Billy and yes I can get the curse off of it

Okay Billy please uncurse this suit so I can finally feel free

Billy uncurse the suit and
Mr Nest instantly pulls out a gun and kills Billy

. Jesus fucking Christ Mr Nest did you really have to do that

Yes Bryson it's really necessary to do that I mean I had to do it to end it all so he doesn't curse on anyone else ever again it's finally the end of everything

Mr Nest thanks that he lifted the curse but in fact the cursed has changed to a different type of curse a curse that changes time itself

Curse Of The Blue SuitWhere stories live. Discover now