you can trust me

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•Mr Nest?

What is it?

•the same guy is here again how long do you think ever since you seen him?

I haven't seen him in a while since he was here 2 weeks ago let him in

. it's nice to see you again
Mr nest

It's nice to see you too ever since we met 2 weeks ago I didn't catch your name at first

. my name is Bryson

So...Bryson are you going to write something down so I can confirm that you're the same guy who wrote the notes

. you can trust me Mr nest there's no need in doing that

Apparently I don't trust you enough just do it or else I do something terrible to you

. Okay I'll do it

Branson begins to write something down while he's writing something down Mr Nest watches over him with a gun in his hand

. There I'm done

Mr Nest looks at the handwriting and put the the notes beside it to confirm that the same handwriting

after a while Mr Nest confirms it's the same handwriting

Thank you for cooperating with me Bryson the handwriting matches I can trust you enough to be my friend or maybe my partner in crime

Bryson has no idea what he has got himself into but Bryson decides to become his partner in crime and started his new life as
Mr Nests partner

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