terrible things in the past

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Tell me honestly, is there something wrong with me?

. honestly stuffing a guy in a barrel and pouring hydrofluoric acid on him, yes I think there is something wrong with you

All the agony isn't that a enough for me, I have done some terrible things in my life I have done unbearable things in the past!

. I know it's hard for you to get rid of the memory you have done in the past

Thirty months with torture you can't comprehend
Forty months, I'm seeking a means to an end
Fifty months attached onto it's strings, who would put a curse on this suit it's a terrible thing to do

. You are right about that who would indeed

I blame myself for all of this!

. It's not your fault I understand how you feel and I feel the same way

Once there was an ordinary man But then a fated moment, he discover a briefcase with a blue suit in it that changes his life forever because he doesn't know there was a curse on it until it
Was too late

I Couldn't face the world when
I made that mistake in my life,

. you should have leave it behind

I know I should but I couldn't resist the temptation of not bringing it back with me and opening it and when I found that suit in it I couldn't resist to put it on I wish I can take it back!

Curse Of The Blue SuitWhere stories live. Discover now