Chapter 14

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Selena's POV

"BODY SHOTS!!!" someone shouted.

"Ooh... Let's do a shot" I shrieked.

"Selena, I think you should-" Justin began.

"Justinnnnn," I whined then began walking towards the body shot boot.

"1 shot please" I told the guy, he nodded and I waited for my turn to enter, currently there was a couple already in.

"Justin, please" I begged him like a child while I took off my tube top and put it in my back pocket. Justin was holding my jacket.

"No, you're not thinking straight" he said.

"Well then, I'm just gonna ask a random guy" I said then turned around.

It was my turn finally. I laid on the table and the guy put the lime in my mouth and trailed the salt between my boobs but avoid putting any on the middle of my chest where my bikini was joined.

I watched as Justin stood beside me as the guy poured the alcohol in my navel. It was cool. Justin sat above me and bent very close to my face. He smirked before putting his mouth next to mine and he bent down to my belly button and drank the alcohol from my navel. It felt so good, so right.

I shivered when I felt him trail his tongue along my stomach and when he bit the lime, our lips brushed against each other.I heard some cheers and when he was finished,I sat up feeling wobbly. Justin held my hand and gave me my tube top and jacket to put on.

After putting it on, I watched Justin... with need... crave.I grabbed the back of his neck and kissed him, he immediately kissed back. Our tongues fought for dominance as he grabbed my ass and lifted me off the ground.

We made out for about 10 minutes straight until I pulled away in need of air.

"We have to leave now, it's past 1" Justin whispered.

I nodded and he rode us back to school.I was slightly drunk so I was halfway asleep on our way back.

I lazily opened my eyes when we reached school and Justin helped me as I was very drowsy. I barely made my way over the wall and sat down on the grass waiting for Justin.

"What's wrong?" Justin said as he kneeled down.

"I don't think I can make my... way back-hmm... too sleepy" I said yawning. I heard Justin chuckle and picked me up like a baby. Within minutes we were at my room and I gave Justin my card to swipe at the door since it was like our key.

"What's wrong with her?" I heard Ariana ask groggily.

"She drank and is about to pass out" Justin said laying me on my bed.

"Gosh Justin, you're such a great kisser... I could... could kiss you... an-ytime" I said and suddenly I dozed off.


I woke up with a terrible headache. I sat up on my bed and on the table next to the bed had a single Advil and a glass of water. I drank it down since I knew I was hungover. I then saw a note on the table.

"Hey, you were really drunk last night so I told the principal to excuse you because you weren't that well, so thanks to me, you're free today. I'll come in the afternoon to give you the work we did today...... xx Justin xx"

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