Chapter 41

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8 months later (1 week due)

I let out a sigh of relief as Justin massaged the soles of my feet. My entire body was aching, my feet, my back, my stomach, my breasts, my vagina and my head was aching.

"Thank you so much baby" I said as Justin came in bed beside me.

"You're welcome, do you need anything?" he asked and I thought about it for a while then felt a familiar craving. I gave him that 'I love you and can you do me a favor'look.

"Nutella?" he asked I shook my head.

"Yoghurt" he said already knowing my second choice. He left the room and went to get my yoghurt.

I smiled when I felt my baby kick. we didn't know the gender since we both decided to know until birth.

I began feeling uneasy as a sharp pain shot through my stomach. I winched rubbing my stomach suddenly I felt something wet underneath me. I removed the blanket covering my legs and gasped at the damp spot on the bed. I just broke my water.

I did nothing but stared at the spot with wide eyes. My heart rate increased as I thought that, I would me a mother soon, suddenly I felt a tear fall from my eyes.

"Selena? what's wrong?" Justin said coming towards me. He placed the yogurt on the table and his eyes widened at the wet spot on the bed.

"Shit babe, did you pee or something?" he asked looking at me as I looked back at him. I shook my head.

"My water broke" I got out as Justin choked on his spit.

"Ok, um breath... in then out...." he said holding my hand as a look of realization came across his face. "Hospital, you need to go to the hospital" he said frantically. He went in our wardrobe and brought a simple floral dress and pulled off the T-shirt I was wearing and simply put it on.

I got off the bed holding my aching back as Justin got the already packed bag for the hospital. He held me as we made our way to his Lamborghini.

l got into his car as he sped off to the hospital.

Within 15 minutes we arrived to the hospital, and my contractions had started.

4 and 1/2 hours later...

"Justin, in never having sex with you again!!" I groaned as he smiled at me. Oh how I wish I could peel that smile off his lips. He contributed to this pregnancy, it is his sperm that had to make everything work and I'm the one suffering.I had never experienced so much pain in my life.

"Just a little bit more" the doctor said. I pushed with all my might.

"I don't think I can do this" I said sobbing loudly.

"Selena, listen to me... you will deliver our angel into this world, I know you can do this" he said and kissed the back of my hands. I nodded my head and waited for my next contraction.

I pushed with all my might and heard a cry. I looked at nursing and saw he had a smile on his face.

"It's a baby girl" he said and I smiled before dozing off, I felt so tired.

A/N:I'm so sorry for the short chapter.. I'm very busy with school and I need to study hard, so uodates may not be as often.

I'm sorry.

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