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Hisoka x Is x Sneaky

We had been running for only a few minutes before I noticed the fog slowly but surely getting thicker which made it harder to see. I glanced over my shoulder to try and get a glimpse of the people behind us only to tense as I noticed I wasn't able to see them at all now and he was somewhere back there. This isn't good. I continued to run between Gon and Killua as the other two of Gon's friends had fallen behind again but I was more concerned about moving further ahead. My anxiety and nervousness seemed to catch Killua's attention as he looked over his shoulder before looking towards Gon with a simple glance my way.

"Gon," he trailed off, as if not wanting to grab anyone else's attention and continued after Gon gave a questioning hum, "Let's move up."

"Okay," Gon nodded and my shoulders slumped in relief which caught Killua's attention, his brows furrowing in my direction before he turned and faced the front again. "We don't want to lose sight of the examiner," Gon said as if completely understanding the situation.

"I'm more concerned with increasing the distance between us and Hisoka," Killua explained his reasoning and I quickly nodded my head in agreement but kept quiet. I was too worried that if I spoke, I'd somehow become Hisoka's target. "Staying too close to him is dangerous. I can smell it in the air." At that, Gon and I tilted our heads. That was not how I would describe that but okay.

"Smell?" Gon questioned and lifted his head slightly as he seemed to sniff the air. These boys seriously confused me, who in their right mind would think they can actually smell danger? Gon hummed, "I don't think he smells." Killua and I blinked at the boy who turned his head over his shoulder and began to yell, "Leorio! Kurapika! Killua says that we should move up!"

"Hey," Killua sighed as I nervously reached out to Gon, my once dissipating anxiety now coming back hard. "Can't you feel the tension surrounding us?" I would have laughed if the tension he had been mentioning wasn't trying to actively suffocate me at that time.

"Moron!" Leorio yelled in response, "If I had the strength, I'd already be there!"

"Way to make yourself an easy target," I shook my head in exasperation.

"Don't worry about us!" Kurapika yelled, now why couldn't Leorio just say something like that? It doesn't make them sound so weak.

"What?" Gon questioned, concern and slight confusion taking over his features.

"They'll be fine, Gon," I reassured while Killua just picked up the pace.

"Let's go, Gon," Killua demanded, he really didn't care if I followed or not, huh?

"Ah, wait!" Gon called out as he grabbed my hand and dragged me with him as he tried to catch up with Killua.

"Oi, I can match your pace just fine!" I protested as I tried to pull myself free, running beside him but he simply looked at me with a smile.

"I didn't want you to stay behind," he replied and I blinked at him. Why did he think I was gonna do that? He must've caught on to my silent question as he spoke again, "You looked kinda pale and hesitant so I thought that you would stay behind."

"Ah," I nodded in understanding before flashing him a smile, "I'm okay, promise!"

We finally managed to catch up to Killua and continued to run in silence, paying attention to our surroundings and trying to keep an eye on the people in front of us but with how thick the fog was, it was getting increasingly harder to do so. The sounds of screams suddenly began, sounding from all around us. With how sudden they started, I had jumped and whipped my head around in worry that the screams had been one of the boys. Thankfully, it hadn't been and I released a soft sigh before focusing my attention back to the front.

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