Weight of Departure

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In the silence, chill pervades the air,
An emptiness where once your laughter rang,
This house, a hollow shell, a world unfair,
Without your presence, everything feels cold.

The echoes of your footsteps linger still,
In corners where your warmth would always stay,
Yet now, the rooms are quiet, hearts are chill,
Longing for the love that's slipped away.

When you uttered those words, my world did freeze,
A suffocating ache, I couldn't bear,
My trembling body sank to bended knees,
In that moment, I knew life wasn't fair.

Alone, I lay, abandoned on the floor,
My heart in pieces, shattered by your choice,
While you found warmth in another's arms, I'm sure,
I'm left with echoes of your distant voice.

Why am I left to shiver in the cold,
While you bask in the warmth of another's skin?
These questions haunt me, a story left untold,
In this heartache, where to end, where to begin?

Why am I left alone in this despair,
Tears cascade like rain, I can't restrain,
You turned your back, it seems you didn't care,
My heartache's cry, a mournful, silent pain.

Oh, you can't hear me cry
But see my dreams all die

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