A Flowing Melody

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In sands of shimmering golden hue,
Where ocean's whispers paint the view,
A treasure lies, a gift unseen,
A whispered tale, a sea shell serene.

Born in depths where mysteries dwell,
An echo of secrets, a timeless spell,
The sea shell rests upon the shore,
Whispering stories forevermore.

Its curves hold tales of ancient seas,
Of distant lands and gentle breeze,
Each line etched with a timeless grace,
A record of time, a sacred embrace.

Listen closely, and you shall hear,
The echoes of waves, crystal clear,
The rhythm of tides, a lullaby sweet,
As the sea shell sings, your heart will meet.

It tells of seafarers, bold and free,
Sailing vast oceans, their spirits set free,
Of mermaids dancing beneath the moon,
And sailors' dreams that will come too soon.

It speaks of love, both lost and found,
Of longing hearts, forever bound,
Of sunsets melting into the sea,
And love's embrace, eternally.

Hold it gently, feel its gentle sigh,
The secrets it holds, they'll never die,
For within this shell, a world takes flight,
A symphony of whispers, pure and bright.

So let us marvel, in its fragile grace,
This humble shell, a magic space,
Where stories and dreams intertwine,
In the realm of the sea, sublime.

The sea shell whispers, soft and true,
A serenade from the ocean's blue,
And as it sings, we too shall see,
The beauty and wonder of the endless sea.

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