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"So, are you going with us?"

Jaemin didn't really have much of a choice. He could either go with this two boys who just saved his life or stay in this city and hope to live a little longer. The choice was obvious. Jaemin turned to the shorter boy with blonde hair.

"Yeah I want to go with you but I'm not alone."

The blonde boy looked at him. "Who do you have? Girlfriend? Boyfriend?"


The two boys looked at each other then at Jaemin and nodded. "Sure he can come with us. Let's meet at the 2nd gate. Is 10 minutes enough for you?"

"Yeah we'll be there." The blonde boy nodded and both boys walked away from Jaemin. He looked for the last time at the bodies of men who attacked him and now were lying lifeless on the ground. Jaemin got his bag from the floor and run to his brother. He had to pack the stuff they managed to gather and get to the 2nd gate on time.

When Jaemin and his brother got to the gate the two boys were already there packing things that they bought in the city on their horses.

"Ooo you're already here. Hi, little one." The boy who had brown hair said and ruffled Minjae's hair. The little boy smiled a little but still was wary of strangers. "I'm Haechan and this blonde guy over there is Renjun." Renjun smiles at them and continues packing. Jaemin looks at Haechan and gets his younger brother to stand in front of him.

"I'm Jaemin and this is my brother Minjae."

Haechan snorts, "Jaemin and Minjae haha! Your parents run out of ideas or something?" The silence that came after this statement was really loud. Renjun cleared his throat and walked to Minjae squatted in front of him.

"How old are you baby?"

Minjae was hesitant but Jaemin encouraged him to answer. "I'm four."

"So you're a little baby. Let's get you seated on the horses and let's go far away from here." Renjun offered his hand to Minjae which the boy took without much thinking. "You'll get to ride on this beautiful black horse together with this uncle right here." Haechan took great offence in what Renjun said. He huffed and jumped on the saddle.

"I'm not that old! Hey Jaemin, how old are you?"


"We're the same age! All 3 of us! Did you hear it, Injunie?" Haechan grinned which actually made Jaemin smile.

"Yeah, I heard. Now let's go. We should already be on our way." Renjun helped Minjae get on the saddle in front of Haechan. Jaemin got on the other horse with Renjun sitting in front of him. "It'll take us about an hour to get there." Renjun told him.

"That's alright. Can I ask you about the place that we're going to?"

"Sure, what do you want to know?" Jaemin had so many questions and that 1 hour would definitely be a good opportunity to chat.

During their journey Minjae played around with Haechan and for the first time Jaemin heard his little brother laugh so loud after running away from home. In the meantime Jaemin learnt a little bit about their new 'home', how Haechan called it.

Renjun and Haechan are working in a mansion owned by someone called Lee Jeno. The mansion is actually a huge ranch with horses, cows, pigs, a garden with vegetables and herbs and a lot of land. All the people working there, live there. Haechan told Jaemin that he'll introduce everyone to them and that there will be no problem with him and his brother coming with them. Jaemin also got to know a little backstory about Renjun and Haechan. They were neighbors living in the city but during the war their houses were burnt and all of their family died except for them. They became orphans and in the city it means you become a slave, a prostitute or you die. Lee Jeno saved them by picking them up one day, bringing to his house and giving them a job. They were only 12 at that time and since then they were working for him.

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