Airport Sightings | Part 1

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Life is stressful. So many things disrupt your peace and a little vacation could never hurt right?

Ricky came from a wealthy family who had been pressuring him into taking over the company.

Was that what ricky wanted to do?


Was he fucking sick of their constant nagging?


It was always "Ricky don't do that, think about our reputation." or "Ricky get your fucking act together". He needed a break.

So a break is what he did. He booked a vacation to the U.S. hoping to get away from his parents. Ricky studied english as his father thought it would be "useful for connections".

What would he be doing in LA? He'd figure that out later but ricky's future looked like partying to try and forget about the pain.

He knew his parents only cared about their business and not their son. His flight to LA was tomorrow and he still needed to pack and find a hotel.

Meanwhile in other part of China another boy was about to snap.

Zhanghao. If you went to school with him you knew his name. If you lived in the same neighborhood as him you knew his name.

That's just how popular he was.

Zhanghao was a gifted kid, musically talented and academically too. At a young age he started to play the violin. Not many kids could do so but zhanghao could.

For his whole life he was at the top. Perfect test scores, first place in music shows and the perfect friend group. Or atleast perfect on the outside.

He wasn't stupid. He knew most people were only around him for his popularity or test answers.  Deep down he needed someone reliable. Someone real. Someone who would encourage him even if he wasn't at the top anymore.

Always living up to his image was getting to him. He felt the pressure to be perfect. And now he was gonna be sent away to LA.


Because perfect zhanghao was gonna compete in a violin competition. Or that's what everyone else thought. Yes he lied to his parents and surprisingly they believed it.

He told his parents something along the lines of how he was auditioned into this super prestigious violin competition in L.A. and he got in so they shouldn't try to contact him while he was in a foreign country "practicing".

In reality he saved enough money to fly to the US  hoping to go somewhere where no one knew him. He just wanted to be a normal person. Not perfect zhanghao. Just zhanghao.

His parents dropped him off at the airport and as soon as he saw them drive off it felt like he was free. He took his bags and headed inside.

Both Ricky and Zhanghao stood out for no particular reason. Even with ricky trying to not dress like his usual self which is regularly pretty fancy, his tall figure made heads turn as he passed by.

And zhanghao literally looked like the boy next door which drew peoples attention. Of course the two boys noticed each other as they were going through security but they didn't speak to each other.

Who talks to a random stranger in the airport?

Well apparently zhanghao did. Something quite unusual for the introvert...

While going through security, ricky noticed another chinese boy. All eyes were on that boy. He looked cool to ricky but his thoughts were distracted as his phone kept buzzing.

It was his parents. Ricky didn't tell them he was leaving so they blew up his phone. Ricky knew they wouldn't go to the police about it because it might "ruin" their image.

Ricky was just prepared of the major scolding for when he came back. Actually ricky didn't plan to go back and live with his parents. He secretly got his uncle to take move his stuff into  their house. His uncle was nice and he knew he wouldn't tell his parents.

His parents probably didn't care that much anyways. If anything they were probably happy that they didn't have to deal with him anymore. He reached his gate and slumped down into a chair which was not surprisingly un comfy.

He covered his face into his hands thinking about his future. He basically ran away and in a hour they wouldn't care anymore. They would return to their luxurious life.

"Heading to L.A. too?" asked Zhanghao

Zhanghao was going to get away from people so why was he talking to someone? He didn't know either but the blonde looked very distressed and he couldn't help but leave him alone.

Ricky removed his hands from his face, slumming more into his seat.

"I guess. I need to just get away." Ricky sighed.

Zhanghao took a seat next to ricky. The rest of the gate was pretty empty but the two sat in a awkward silence. Just as zhanghao was starting to regret his decision of sitting down the other spoke up.

"What about you? Heading to L.A.?"

"Yeah just wanted to go on a vacation where i can be myself. Somewhere where no one knows me." The brunette replied.

"I get that."
Ricky paused before speaking up again.
"But uh I noticed you earlier and it seems like everyone knew you. You famous or something?"

Zhanghao laughed. Him famous? Well maybe not yet. Even though they had just started talking he felt himself loosen up. It was nice talking to someone who didn't know him.

"Me? Nah. If anyone is famous it's probably you. You look like a celebrity."

It was true. Maybe it was ricky's blonde hair and tall broad figure but he looked like an idol. He had a elegant vibe to him.

"Mmh I guess." ricky looked down at his phone ignoring his parents messages.

"Hey uhh" ricky wasn't sure of his name


"Yeah zhanghao.. our plane doesnt arrive for awhile. Wanna go grab something to drink?"
ricky asked

"Sure. Let's go"

That's how the two boys ended up with a strawberry latte and a iced coffee getting to know each other. They briefly shared about why they were heading to LA but not in much detail.

Walking back to the gate they exchanged instagrams before boarding their flight.

"It's you again..?"

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