Chapter 7

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Vol 7.

Dahlia pov.-

I woke up gasping for air as I sat up hurriedly, trying to catch my breath. I looked around, noticing it was still dark out. I checked the time to see it was 4:30 am

I got up from the bed and headed downstairs to get something to drink once I made it downstairs, which took me a good minute to find which I am still finding my way around this huge castle of a house

I grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge, gulping down the water down in an instant

"What are you doing up?" someone said from behind me

I spit my water out, turning around, punching the voice that spoke out from behind me

"What you fuck" the voiced roared

I went to the light switch turning it on  I looked to see Rafael holding his face and my brothers and father behind him

"Sorry we scared you bambina" Father said

"Where did you learn to punch like that Little sis" Lucio asked

" I used to fight alot in school mostly self-taught" I said technically not lying

"Well what are you doing up at this time" Alessandro questioned

"Well I could ask you guys the same thing" I said with furrowed eyebrows

They all looked panicked when I said that

"Well usually we wake up early because me, Alessandro, Angelo, and father has paperwork we get up early to do it and Rafael, Alessio, and the triplets go to the gym before school" Salvo answered serenely 

"Well okay" I said totally not believing any word that just came out his mouth

"Now tell us what you're doing up piccola" Salvo asked

"I woke up and couldn't go back to sleep but my mouth was dry so I came down here to get me a bottle water" I said

Nobody said anything to me expect giving me weird stares

But off the awkwardly silence by speaking first, "Well I will be heading back to my room now, good night" I said and hurriedly got up the stairs to my room

I shut the door behind me and decided to take a hot shower early this morning, I went straight to the bathroom I took off my clothes and as I was doing that I looked at myself in the mirror. I was bruised from top to bottom, I slowly took my bandage that was wrapped around my stomach. I turned around to look at my back. I took a deep breath before taking a look, I turned my head over my shoulder. I looked at my back as it was half healing, purple and yellowish cuts all along my back names embedded into my skin

I bit my lip to keep myself from crying

I was safe from Jameson. He couldn't do that to me anymore. I think to myself

I turned on the shower and put the hot water on, I stepped into the hot water, letting it burn my skin. I have been for a day now, and I'm getting use of this warm feeling

Once I did what I needed to do in the shower, I turned the shower off and stepped out of the shower. I brushed my teeth and washed my face. I stepped out of the bathroom and into mine and put on this little outfit I took out for myself

I looked at the time to see an hour passed while I was in the shower. Since it was still early, I decided that I had walked around the house since I was still new to the place

I started downstairs since I knew the directions downstairs, and I just made my way around the house since I still didn't know my way around the house

I started from the gym to the movie room, gaming room, a library, and music room, which was the end up my journey

'Wow, they are crazy rich,' I thought to myself

I went back upstairs back to my room in the process of bumping into a wall or which I thought was a wall. I looked up to see. It was Alessandro

"Sorry I didn't see you there," I mumbled with my head down

I moved to the side. As I walked past him, I felt his stares in the back of my head as I went up the stairs

I walked hurriedly into my room before I walked into another chest that belonged to one of my brothers

Sorry guys, I haven't updated. I've been busy with school, and I hope you guys like this chapter!

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