Chpater 14

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Vol 14.

Dahlia pov.-

I cleaned myself and changed my shirt because of the mess I made with throwing up. Before I went downstairs, I looked at myself in the mirror and to make sure my baby bump wasn't showing it wasn't huge or anything, but I couldn't be too careful

I went downstairs to be met with the triplets, Rafael and Alessio. Rafael and Alessio didn't look too happy, but that's how they always looked when I am around

"Let's go," Rafael said and left out the mansion and into the garage along with the rest of us following

Rafael walked to a Black SUV

"Do we have to take this car?" Alessio huffed

"Yes, Alessandro orders," Rafael mumbled, annoyed

Of course, I had to sit in the middle as two out of three triplets sat on the side of me, and the third triplet sat in the third row of the SUV. And as suspected, Rafael and Alessio in the front

Rafael started the car, and he made his way out the driveway and sped off, nearly taking our heads. But I could care less how he drove. I had bigger things on my mind

What was I supposed to do about my pregnancy. I knew I would have to go to doctor appointments and check up on how the baby is doing. But I couldn't do that then I'll have to tell my father and brothers and 2 of my brothers already hated me. I didn't need them all hating me because I am a young teenager of 2 kids. Once they find out, they will kick me to the curb, leaving me abandoned once again

Even though I have only been here for almost a week, I gotten used of the feeling of having a father and brothers I was only scared of how they would think of me once they find out about my past. I know they wouldn't want a slut of daughter or sister. It's already hard to get them to accept me now. Papa, Vincent, Angelo, and the triplets are okay they are really nice to me. Alessandro to say he is my look alike we dont get along very much and Rafael and Alessio straight up hates me for no reason. It's not like I asked to come back into their lives and barge in whatever perfect family they have puzzled together. I pretty much didn't have a choice regarding that. I am not of age yet, but if I was, I would have gone straight to my daughter and continued our life together, getting the happy ending we very much deserve

I needed to talk to Ophelia about all of this, she would know exactly what to do she was always my go to person whenever I am in a tight situation so once I am back from shopping I am calling her and she will help me figure things out nine times out of ten she will tell me to tell my family but I am not ready for that yet.

Will I ever be ready ? Heck, I don't know

But there will come a time I will have to tell them, and maybe just maybe my daughter will be with me happy and safe with a very loving family that would never ever hurt her.

Which I was hoping.

"Dahlia," a voice yelled,

I flinched and jumped and looked at Eduardo. That's who yelled my name.

"We've been calling your name for a straight minute," He said

Once I was out of the trance, I looked out of the window to see we made it to the mall, and then I looked at each and every one of my brothers looking at me. Well, it was just the triplets looking at me. Rafael and Alessio had already gotten out of the car

"I'm sorry," I said softly with my head down

"It's okay, let's just go get the things you need," Giovanni said, giving a small smile

I nodded my head, and we all walked out. As we walked, Rafael and Alessio were at the front entrance waiting for us with an annoyed expression

Once we entered, my brothers expression changed immediately, including the triplets. Everyone was looking at them girls lusting over them and the guys glaring at them, but in general, the attention was on us well, mostly them.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2024 ⏰

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