Chapter 9

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Vol 9.

Dahlia pov -

I woke up pretty early, once I couldn't find myself going back to sleep again for the millionth time this week. I went to start a hot shower, and since I was sweaty from the nightmare, I had woken up from

Once I was done with my daily routine in the bathroom, I went downstairs and went into the kitchen. None of my brothers or fathers was up because it was still early

I decided I could make breakfast for everybody this morning

I took out everything I needed to make breakfast with. I started by making homemade pancakes and waffle batter, and I put that to cook once I had it on the stove. I put some little breakfast sausages and bacon they had up in there, surprisingly, which I was craving for after I had that started up. I did the grits, which was very easy and simple to cook. I then crack 15 eggs into a bowl, whipping that up real good and cooking it. I put everything on a platter and set it on the table. I then set a fruit bowl down. And now everything was finished

Then I heard of loud like steeped coming down the stairs

'Wow, it smells amazing up in here.' Giovanni said

"Bambina, you cooked all of this?: Vincent asked

"Yeah, I got a thing for cooking, and u woke up pretty early, so i thought I'd do something for you guys. Unless it's not okay other than that, I'm sorry," I ranted my arse off

"No, no, it's fine, Bambina," Vincent said, chuckling

Most of my brothers were except Riccardo and Angelo, and our father

"Where's the rest of our brothers and father?" I asked, curious

"They have had some business to attend," Vincent said, looking at the rest of our brothers with a weird side eye

"Hm, okay," I said

I started to make my way upstairs when I got stopped

"Principessa, you aren't going to eat?" Giovanni  asked

"Oh, I have already eaten before you guys got up," I said, lying to them

They shrugged it off and went back to digging except for Vincent he was still looking at me, staring hard into my eyes. I was up for the challenge, but not for now. I turned away and headed up to my room

I closed my door, making sure I locked the door. I took out my phone and called Ohpelia.

After a few rings, she picked up

"Hey, Pea," I said in a small voice

"HI Lia, I'm so glad you called me." Ophelia

"Me too, where is she, Pea?" I asked her

"Iola, come say hi too, Mommy," She yells on the other side of the phone

I heard shuffling for a minute until I heard a squeaky little voice on the phone

"Hi, Mommy," Iola

"Hi, my sweet girl," I said

Ever since she started talking, all I wanted was to be with her and hear her voice forever. Hearing her voice makes my heart warm. If I could listen to it all the time, I would.

I chuckle as I hear her ramble about how things were lately. Tears fell down my cheek as I didn't realize.

"Mommy, are you okay?" Iola asked me. She must have felt me crying because I wasn't speaking. I was just listening to her talk

Iola is very smart for her age. She's too smart for her own good. I hate how cruel this world is, I don't want my princess to deal with anything I went through. She won't feel one lick of pain until the day I die, and I'll make sure of it. From the first heartbreak, I'll always be there for her. I want to be the best mother to Iola, give her everything I never had, and the attention she needs.

"Yes, Mommy is okay, baby. I just miss you so much. We will be seeing each other soon, princess, and we can do whatever you want to do. How does that sound?"

I heard her giggling, "I want to go for ice crweam Mommy and oh oh oh and to the beach Mommy I wuv sand now" I chuckled at her mox words

"Then that's what we will do, baby girl," I said

"Yayyy!!" I heard her say

"I love you, Iola," I spoke

"I wuv you too, Mommy,"

"Can you give Aunty Pea the phone now?" I asked

I heard shuffling again

"Hey Lia, you alright?" She asked

"Yeah, I'm good, thank you, Pea. I never once said this, but you're my life saver, and I'm forever grateful for you taking care of our girl." I spoke truthfully

"It's no problem, Lia. I would do anything for you and Iola. You guys are my family, and if taking care of her means she will be safe, then I would do this shit all over again for you and for her, " she said

"I got to go now. I will call you later," I said, biting my lip and holding back tears that wanted to come out spilling

"I love you, Lia," she said

"I love you too, Pea," I said in a soft whisper and hung up

I pulled my legs to my chest and my face into my knees and cried softly

A memory that pops up every time comes back just like that, invading my mind just to torture me how I almost lost Iola...

Hi, my beautiful people, I hope you guys like this chapter. It only took me a little bit of energy to even write this. I will try try TRY to write more chapters. I'm really sorry for keeping you guys on hold for so long. I promise I'm trying to do more.

I hope all of are having a good/ night/ or afternoon

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