Chapter 4

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"Hold still!" Kate scolds me as she tries to apply my make-up.
"I don't like this. I can't hold still." I groan back. I feel like a wild horse that Kate is trying to tame with minimal success.
I detest make-up. It is expensive, makes your skin break-out and smears all over the place when combined with even a single drop of water. Yet, I am in Kate's bathroom allowing her to deface me.
"Look, I know you don't like it, but you have to wear it if you want that job. Freddy takes intelligence and beauty into consideration before hiring someone. He already knows you are smart; I mean the creative insults you threw at him when he offered you the job in the first place, are enough proof that you have something between your ears. Now we just have to make you so attractive that he can't resist hiring you."
"Fine." I let out a sigh of defeat and let Kate continue to defeature me with her colourful pallets of pain and sticks of torture.
I know she's right. Pureza is the most exclusive club in town. They don't just let any ordinary Chad in there, so why would they hire a plain Jane to work there? And even though I have some pull because of Kate, it doesn't mean that the job is definitely mine.
Kate's dad might be an investor in the club, but that almost means squat. They have several investors and can't just hire a girl because she knows one of the investors, or else the entire staff would have been filled with sugar babies and whores for hire by now.
Contrary to my disdain towards the club, it isn't actually a bad place. It's not a strip club or a brothel – even though I am sure lots of sex and other devious things have taken place inside that place. It is a gentlemen's club. Basically, a country club for rich and powerful men only.

"Okay, I'm finished. Go put on the dress and heels I laid out for you on my bed and then we'll do a big reveal in front of the mirror!"
I do as I am told and go to her room. On her bed is a short, black dress. It has a sweetheart neckline without any sleeves. I stare at it warily for a few seconds before making a move to put it on.
I quickly strip myself of the long-sleeved shirt and comfortable jeans that I was wearing and put on the dress. Once it's on, I can't help but tug on every end of it, trying to get it to cover a larger surface area than it was designed to. I feel too exposed, and the dress is so tight that I struggle to breath.
"Are you ready yet? You are taking an eternity in there!" Kate yells from outside the room. "Almost finished!" I reply.
I hesitantly put on the heels and try to push back the little voice in my head telling me that I am dressing myself up like a hooker. I know that this is far from my usual style, but I don't have another choice than to deal with it.
I open the bedroom door and find Kate in the kitchen, busy snacking on some rice cakes. Her jaw drops when she takes me in.
"Shit! I am a miracle worker. The fairy godmother's ass! I am the one who can work real magic. You look so hot!" She claps her hands in excitement.
She moves closer to me to get a better look at her handy work.
"I am so jealous. You fill out that dress way better than I ever could."
I narrow my eyes at her statement. What she really means is that I have bigger tits and that they are practically hanging out of the dress. But she is helping me, so I won't give her any attitude at this moment.
"Thanks." I say, trying to sound grateful.
"Go look in the mirror! I can't wait for you to see. You probably won't even recognise yourself."
Kate's voice is filled with glee. She always gets so excited whenever I allow her to dress me up. She likes to think that I'm a life-sized doll for her to play dress-up with.
She takes my hand and leads me to the bathroom. As soon as I step into the bathroom, I startle. In the full-length mirror are two girls. The one I recognise as Kate, but I don't know who the other brunette girl staring back at us is. I blink a few times before it registers that the other girl in the mirror is me. I guess Kate was right, I can't even recognise myself... I don't know how this makes me feel...
"Well, what do you think?"
Kate seems so happy, and I don't want to bring her down. So, I don't tell her how fake I feel. I don't tell her that I don't like the imposter staring back at me in the mirror. I don't tell her that I have never felt so uncomfortable in my entire life.
Instead, I say, "Thanks for all of your hard work, Kate."
"It's my biggest pleasure. But enough gawking at yourself in the mirror for now. We need to leave soon or else we'll miss Freddy at the club. He heads to the private rooms after making his rounds."

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