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Hey Besties, 

It's been a while but I couldn't (I chose not to) write for two days straight because I cried 6 times in 48 hours so I'm def okay mentally. 

This isn't H's outfit for the day but let's appreciate how cute Anne and Harry are x

Anyway, I'll let you go read.

Thank you so much for reading so far,

-M x


*Talking about abuse*

-Madelyn Cline-

Since getting that first text from Max in Paris, I've been getting hundreds of threats, mean stuff and Instagram comments from him.

Max Fuller

1st December

Hey baby, I see you've moved on from me to the curly dude, 

You never told me you had a thing for boys in bands but I know you're a fucking slut.

You're just going to use him for fame as you did to me then leave and go to the next boy from

A different band, I hope you go fucking die.

15th December

I see you're ignoring me like you ignore how fucking slutty you are.

If you don't answer me then I will come to find you, Trust me I know where you are

23rd December

When you're tour comes to California I'll find you and then take you away from the 5 boys that you probably fucked all of them.

January 1st

I've always wondered why you have so many cuts on your arms, I wondered if it was from me but then I remembered that you're a pick-me little bitch

January 14th

I see it's our 4-year anniversary, I wish that you could have never been with me because it was a real embarrassment

January 24th

You know I hope that you kill yourself so nobody has to suffer with your presence.

February 1st

I see it's your petty 'boyfriends' birthday, please wish him a fucking horrible birthday since he has to spend it with your petty ass.


Just your daily reminder that you should kill yourself

"What another lovely DM from Max," I said, showing Harry the newest message from him.

"Look Madd, I know that you seem to be okay with this but I'm not so maybe we get a restraint order against him for when we're in California, we already have proof with the bruises and the messages,"

"You seriously don't have to do that," I replied.

"I know you don't want this because it might go to the media but I can make sure it's completely confidential with my lawyer,"

"Okay then, so when are we meeting the lawyer,"

"In like 45 minutes but we have to leave in 20 because we have to travel a bit out of Auckland to meet him

I couldn't believe that this was happening, I was finally getting what I should have done when he first started hitting me. Niall, Louis, Liam and Zayn were heading out at the same time we were, Paul was driving Harry and me to wherever we were going. He dropped us off at an office just on the edge of central Auckland, We were waiting inside the building for his lawyer and a lady who was professional at cases like mine.

"Hello Madelyn, my name is David Sherborne, Harry's lawyer and this is Olivia Wilde, the case worker," David said, shaking my hand.

"Nice to meet you two," I replied.

"Let's start with the order since you two must be busy," Olivia said as we followed her into an office.

We went and sat down, I was nervous about all of this now it was actually happening. Harry must have caught on to what I was feeling because he placed his hand on my shaking knee, trying to calm me down as much as he possibly could, "Now we will start with the person receiving the restraint order with the full name please,"

"Max Alexander Fuller, my ex-boyfriend and ex-member of Five Seconds of Summer," I replied

"Thank you very much now how long will you two need it for," Olivia asked.

"As long as possible, to keep her safe as well as the band," Harry replied.

"Okay so I will ask Madelyn a few questions so Harry and David can sort out his side of the order," Olivia asked.

Harry nodded and quickly kissed me on the cheek before leaving. Now I was alone with Olivia, not knowing what she was going to ask, "So Madelyn, when did you start dating Max and when was the first time Max started to scare you in any way,"

"We started dating in early 2010 and around 2011, he would threaten to hurt me, my friends, and family, or hurt me with objects. He would drive unsafe to scare me and isolate me from people I loved and then started hitting me," I replied.

"So that was physical assault, correct and how old were you and Max,"

"He was 18 and I was 16 and I managed to get away in about November last year," I replied.

"Since you were still a minor at that point, did he try to take advantage of you in any way,"

I looked at her confused by the way she worded the question so she rephrased the question, "Did Max sexually assault you in any way while you were still a minor,"

"Yes, he did,"


I lay in bed that night, I felt like I had a therapy session but it was a restraining order meeting. I couldn't be for thankful for Harry, David and Olivia for making this all happen. Harry got into bed and I snuggled up next to him with his bare chest, "Do you feel safer when we go to Cali," 

"Yeah, thank you so much," I whispered.

"All I want is for you to be safe and happy," 

I felt his hand playing with a little piece of my hair, his eyes locked on mine, "I'm always happy and safe when I'm with you," I replied, pressing my lips to his.



I'm sorry that this was kind of short and all over the place, Like I said before I didn't write for two days straight because I cried 6 times and I have some type of thing where I get worried when I spend a long time (more than a week) writing but I try to spend time making sure the writing quality is good. 

When I finish this book I'll probably edit every chapter before fully making it a full book. The next chapter will be based on an interview that Harry had in 2020 (It was not the Zane Lowe one though)

Have a great morning/afternoon/night,


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